Monday, 21st Mar at 14:15 pm:
Friederike Hoffmann - "Horizon Europe update – first experiences and new opportunities.”
The seminar will be held online on zoom.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 647 4059 6999 , Password: Q5nw29cx
Wednesday, 23rd Mar at 14:15 pm
Jin-Soo Kim - “Siberian fire ignition caused by the dry lightning activity.”
The seminar will take place in the Undervisningsrom 320, with the possibility to join online.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 655 4314 9816 , Password: crR7Pbki
Abstract - Friederike Hoffmann:
Horizon Europe, the 9th research framework program of the European Union, started last year. Many researchers at the Bjerknes Centre are working on research projects funded through the previous EU framework program, Horizon 2020, and are well aware of its advantages to perform excellent research and to build strong international networks. There is less awareness yet about opportunities for the Bjerknes community in Horizon Europe and about what continues and what changes compared to H2020.
I will give an overview of the opportunities to receive funding for climate research in Horizon Europe. I will present the most relevant research programs, their planned budget and timing. I will show you where and how to find relevant call topics and deadlines. I will also explain changes in proposal templates, evaluation criteria, and evaluation processes. Finally, I will share first experiences from proposal applications and evaluations in Horizon Europe.
The purpose of this seminar is to make you fit for submitting excellent proposals to the different Horizon Europe programs.
The Speaker - Friederike Hoffmann:
Friederike Hoffmann has been the research coordinator at Geophysical Institute since 2013. Her main tasks are informing about upcoming funding opportunities, supporting scientists during the pre-award phase, and training early-career researchers in proposal writing. Since 2009 she has been working as an expert evaluator for the European Commission, where she evaluates project proposals and monitors ongoing EU projects in different programs. She holds a PhD in Geosciences, and her scientific background is in marine microbiology and biogeochemistry.
Abstract - Jin-Soo Kim:
Wildfire activity in Siberia (60E-180E, 55N-80N) has been observed to be more frequent and stronger in recent years. To understand the underlying mechanism of the positive trend in the frequency and strength of wildfire events, especially the role of lightning, we analyzed the relationship among fire ignition, Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), precipitation, and lightning flash density over Siberia using observations and reanalysis products for the period 2012–2020. A similar analysis was performed on an ultra-high-resolution (25-km) climate model simulation made with Community Earth System Model version 1.2.2 (CESM) under a greenhouse gas-induced warming scenario. In the observations, we found that while the number of lightning flashes is proportional to CAPE and precipitation, the number of fire ignition is only proportional to CAPE. In particular, we identified a threshold of 3.5 mm/day of precipitation, below which fire ignition occurs more frequently. Our analyses reveal that precipitation plays a role in suppressing fire ignition, but dry lightning with high CAPE and low precipitation effectively cause fire ignitions. In the CESM simulation, we found a robust increase in the number of days with high CAPE (> 700 J/kg) and low precipitation (< 3.5 mm/day), which suggests an increase in the frequency of dry lightning events, and therefore more lightning-induced wildfire events in Siberia.
![Portrett Kim](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Kim.jpeg)
The Speaker - Jin-Soo Kim:
Jin-Soo Kim is a senior researcher at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich. He graduated from the Seoul National University, with bachelors and master’s degrees in Atmospheric Science and Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) with Ph.D in 2019. During his Ph.D, his research proposal was selected for the Young Researchers Exchange Program between Korea and Switzerland and he visited the University of Zurich for 3 months and received the Best Thesis Award in the field of Natural Science at POSTECH and Minister’s award for excellence and outstanding performance under the Brain Korea 21+ project from Deputy Prime Minister for Society and Education. He published several Nature- and Science-branded papers as the first author about interactions between terrestrial ecosystem and climate variabilities such as atmospheric teleconnection impacts on the terrestrial carbon cycle and large-scale fire activity and he is interested in Earth System Modelling.
Upcoming BCCR seminar talk:
28th Mar, 14:15 pm – Nathalie Van der Putten: “A terrestrial view on Southern Hemisphere Westerlies variability in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: what can we learn from the peat archive?”
Best regards,
Danielle and Laura
/The seminar committee/