Essential information for members of the
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
This page will give you a short overview of our services for you, our collaborational activities, opportunities, your obligations and how you can contribute to the community.
More information on the BCCR organisational boards and history is to be found in the "about us" section.
For logo and templates - find them here
“The aim of the Bjerknes Centre is to understand climate for the benefit of society”
We are a research collaboration investigating our Earth's climate system
The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research gather climate researchers from four partners:
- Institute of Marine research (IMR)
- Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC)
- NORCE Climate (NORCE)
- University of Bergen (UiB)
The four partners have agreed to:
- Build robust academic communities and research groups of high standards through common strategic processes.
- Be competitive in national and international application arenas.
- Be an important provider of research based climate knowledge for the benefit of society.
Our strategic goals for the next four years:
- Deepen our excellence in climate research
- Engage and communicate with society
- Secure structural and organizational sustainability
Please find our Five Year Strategy Plan 2022-2026 here
On this site, please scroll down to find information on:
- Partner info and Strategy Plan
- Research themes
- Strategic & Synthesis projects
- Fast track Initiatives
- Bjerknes Visiting Fellows
- Modelling activities
- Phd. Forum and Early Career Forum
- Bjerknes Climate Data Centre
- Outreach and Communication
- Rights and Obligations as a Bjerknes member
- BCCR in publications
- logo and templates (located on top of this paragraph)
Who can be a member?
To be affiliated to Bjerknes, you need to be employed by one of the partner institutions in Bergen and conduct Bjerknes relevant science, e.g. natural science based research within one of the four research themes.
The research theme – where you can collaborate on your research
The research themes are the place to go for discussions and updates from ongoing research by your fellow bjerknesians.
The members in the theme might come from another department or institute, or discipline, and can hopefully give valuable new insights to your own research. Many of the themes have sub-groups for more specific research interests.
The theme groups gather approx every 2. month, except from the global theme which is mainly organized through sub-groups.

- Global Climate, research theme leader Stefan Sobolowski stefan.p.sobolowski@uib.no
- Polar Climate, research theme co-leader Roshin P. Raj roshin.raj@nersc.no
- Climate Hazards, research theme leader Marius Årthun marius.arthun@uib.no
- Carbon System, research theme leader Are Olsen Are.Olsen@uib.no

What happens in the Bjerknes Community?
Funding supporting collaboration
The success of the Bjerknes Centre comes from the struggle to get people to know each other across disciplines and institutions. To acheive this goal, we have several programs, strategic projects and an administration.
Today, our activities are partially funded by a grant to the Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD) from the Ministry of Education and Research for the period 2010–2026.
If you stumble over the abbreviation SKD, (like "the SKD strategic projects") it mainly refers to our funding!
The funding goes through the UiB, our host institution. This is why the UiB is the employer of our director, the four theme leaders and the administration.
The funding is shared among our four institutions and the funding for BCCR strategic projects, collaborational acitivities and administration.

The crosscutting activities
In addition to our four research themes, we have four crosscutting activities:

Your rights and obligations when being a member of the BCCR
When being a member of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research you have
- Participate in all activities organised and funded by BCCR, as listed above.
- Apply for support through strategic projects, Bjerknes Visiting Fellow programme and Fast Track Initiatives
- Conduct Bjerknes relevant research.
- Be an active member in (at least) one research theme, e.g. attend meetings and activities organised within the relevant research theme.
- Consider climate relevant projects as 'Bjerknes projects' and informing research theme leaders of their existence and budget, this way they will become part of the Bjerknes research portfolio.
- Use Bjerknes templates for presentations and posters when presenting Bjerknes research. These are available here: http://www.bjerknes.uib.no/om/ressurser
- Attribute Bjerknes in addition to home institution when disseminating relevant activities to policy makers, general public and media.
- Include Bjerknes in addition to formal employer as affiliation in Bjerknes relevant scientific publications. How to do this? Click here

Logo and templates
...have you scrolled all the way down here looking for the templates?
The link was also in top - please find them right here