News Investigating the breathing ocean <p>The oxygen level in the global ocean has declined, limiting the living space of fish. New research is aimed at improving future oxygen projections.</p> Read more
WCRP CORA The Bjerknes Centre is host of WCRP´s new Coordination Office for Regional Activities (CORA). Read more
Navigating climate risks Climate Futures is a new and ambitious action to generate long-term cooperation between companies, public organizations and research groups across sectors and disciplines to tackle one of the most urgent challenges of our time Read more
Knowledge through observations ICOS, the Integrated Carbon Observing System, is aiming for standardised greenhouse gas measurements throughout Europe. ICOS Norway contributes with two measurement stations for the atmosphere, one land station and four ocean stations. The ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre is coordinated in Bergen. Read more
The Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit The Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit (BCPU) aims to bridge the gap between weather forecast and long-term climate change projections, to develop skillful climate predictions. Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit supported by our partners and the Trond Mohn Foundation. Read more
SapienCe When did humans first become behaviourally modern? What cognitive skills did these people have? How adaptable were they to climate and environmental change? Read more
Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling (INES) The INES project aims to develop The Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) to better include and cover the challange of climate change in the model predictions. Read more
COMFORT - key ocean tipping elements What are our safe operating spaces for the ocean? This is the starting question for the new EU Horizon 2020 project COMFORT. Read more
TRIATLAS EU Horizon 2020: Prediction of south and tropical Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystems, for sustainable management. TRIATLAS contributes to this by delivering knowledge of the current state and future changes of the Atlantic marine ecosystems. Read more
TiPACCs - Antarctic Tipping Points EU Horizon 2020: Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components (TiPACCs) One of today’s greatest challenges is to understand the impacts of global warming on our environment and societies. One particular important, but highly uncertain, impact is the ongoing sea level rise due to melting ice sheets. Read more
The Nansen Legacy Pioneering research beyond the present ice edge A new knowledge base is required to facilitate a sustainable management of the northern Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic Basin through the 21st century. The Nansen Legacy team consist of over 140 researchers from ten Norwegian research institutions. Read more
Going to East Africa with climate prediction CONFER is a new EU project, that aims to improve climate prediction in 11 countries in East Africa. More accurate seasonal forecasts can help save crops, enhance food security and reduce flood risk. Read more
Complete project list Find an alphabetical list of projects were our scientists are involved. Read more