Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

Blue skies above Ulriken. Photo: Petra Langebroek

Fast Track Initiative

Do you have a good idea that might lead to a new project? 


The Fast-track initiatives (FTI) support focused, short-term research activities with the aim of achieving concise result(s).

The call goes out every autumn, and deadline for submission is usually December 1. 
Calls for FTI will be announced by email to BCCR members in due time before the deadline.

The Fast Track Initiative is set up to support pilot studies, proposals, synergy works and other intitiatives. We have several large projects today that started out as a fast track initiative. 

Limits to application: Maximum 500 kNOK

Who can apply: Anyone affiliated with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, resident in Bergen


  • Must target at least one of Bjerknes strategic research areas
  • Promote the integration of the Bjerknes consortium
  • Must have clearly identifiable outcome
  • Must be short-lived and completed within 1 year of the grant´s commencement
  • Proposals should not exceed one A4 page including a description of the activity, objective(s), budget, timeline and outcome(s). If salaries are applied for, the person shall be identified and an estimate of the salary costs must be given by an economy consultant at one of the partner institutions and according to the agreement on cost per hour for the SKD period 2021-2026.


Some examples of eligible activities

Note that this list is not exhaustive:

  • Blue-sky research: identify or conduct exploratory activities including laboratory work, for new, cross-cutting research relevant to Bjerknes
  • Preparation of synthesis/integration research articles or large research proposals
  • Up to 3 month´s salary for a recently graduated master student to complete a manuscript for publication at salary rate 42


Non-eligible activities or expenses:

  • Running costs such as travels, conference fees, publication costs, etc.
  • Salaries of non-Bjerknes personnel
  • Salaries for PhD students before thesis is submitted
  • Research visits to Bergen. These must be applied to the Bjerknes Visiting Fellow programme


How to send in your application:

Send your application attached in e-mail with subject line marked Bjerknes FTI to

For inquiries, please contact Ragnhild Stolt-Nielsen


                                   phone: 555 84728

The applications will be evaluated by the Bjerknes Leader Group:
Kikki Kleiven, Are Olsen, Marius Årthun, Stefan Sobolowski, Helene R. Langehaug, Frode Vikebø, Iselin Medhaug. 

Results will be announced two weeks after deadline.