Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

Science for service

Øystein Hov from Meteorologisk institutt will give a seminar talk on January 29, 2018


Øystein HovShort biography:

Generalsekretær i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi (2017-)

Rådgiver ved Meteorologisk institutt (2017-)

Forskningsdirektør ved Meteorologisk institutt (2004-2016)

Direktør NILU (1996-2003)

Professor II UiO (2004-2016)

Professor i meteorologi, GFI (1989-1996)


Dr philos UiO 1982




30% of the world economy depends quite strongly on the weather and a 10 fold growth is expected over the next decade in the "weather market". This expectation rests on the capability to develop downstream models and data streams for specialized uses in societal sectors like energy production-wind, solar, hydro; transportation -

road, air, rail and shipping; agriculture; health; pollution including emissions; freshwater availability and quality; marine resource exploitation; disaster risk reduction - flooding, drought, wind storms, heat waves, forest fires, dust storms. What is required in research and education to meet these opportunities and societal expectations?