Ellen Viste
Rådgiver / Adviser
Jahnebakken 5, Bergen
Seashells to hold the reins of climate models
19.01.2023, 13:16
The North Atlantic Ocean oscillates between warm and cool decades. A century is too short to show why. Climate models and old seashells will extend the measurement series to the Viking age.
Multidecadal oscillations not to be confused with reduced warming
20.12.2022, 17:16
The circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean can dampen or enhance temperature increase and ice melt in certain decades. Researcher warns against interpreting reduced temperature increase as a sign of a slow-down in climate change.
Investing in the South Atlantic
24.10.2022, 13:07
Predicting future fisheries is possible only if the present conditions are known. An international team of scientists works to reduce the South Atlantic's lag behind the North.
Different lives, shared experience
05.07.2022, 11:29
Natives of Greenland and the Pacific lead different lives, but have one thing in common. Both communities are strongly affected by climate change.
One millimeter can be too much
31.05.2022, 16:00
If the sea rises one meter, will five centimeters more or less matter? That depends on where you are. Climate researchers develop methods for more precise projections of sea level rise in Northern Europe.
Predicting Arctic sea ice
27.04.2022, 13:37
When a fishing vessel sets course for Bear Island, the captain knows only which areas are ice-covered now, not where the ice will be tomorrow. In a few years, sea ice predictions will make routing easier and safer.
Following the flight of water
22.03.2022, 18:19
In a large-scale airplane campaign researchers will follow water molecules from take-off till landing.
Investigating the breathing ocean
01.03.2022, 08:33
The oxygen level in the global ocean has declined, limiting the living space of fish. New research is aimed at improving future oxygen projections.
International Women in Science Day: "We need good role models"
10.02.2022, 16:42
Four female scientists, four interesting stories. Meet Victoria Miles, Elaine McDonagh, Shuang Gao and Lise Øvreås.
Five new Chinese-Norwegian collaboration projects to the Bjerknes Centre
21.12.2021, 13:41
The Research Council of Norway funds eight new project on Chinese-Norwegian climate research in the Arctic. Five of these, awarded a total of NOK 50 million, are led by researchers affiliated by the Bjerknes Centre.
Forskningsrådet deler ut åtti millioner til norsk-kinesisk samarbeid om klimaforskning i Arktis. Femti av disse går til Bjerknessenterets forskere.