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Science kick-off 15:15-16:00
Kikki Kleiven, associate professor at the department of Earth Science UiB and the Bjerknes Centre is kicking off the scientific programme at the conference, moderating the talk with Ingrid Agnete Medby, senior lecturer, Oxford Brooks University, Department of Social Science and Tracey Galloway Assistant professor, University of Toronto.
From Nansen legacy science to useful knowledge
Importkompaniet, Clarion Hotel the Edge, Tromsø – January 27, 16:15-17.45
How can knowledge from a science project reach users and policy makers? And how can we increase the competence among scientists in order to provide the science results in a useful format for users and policy makers? This side event focuses on science results, knowledge needs and dialog on topics related to weather, ecosystems, ecotoxicology, the ice edge and future conditions in the Barents Sea.
Through short presentations from scientists and user groups, we aim for a dialog on important and relevant issues regarding the Barents Sea and the Arctic marine environment. The goal is to turn science results into powerful knowledge and build a more informed and closer interaction between scientists and policy makers.
- Read more on Facebook, read more on the AF website
Science advice for policy: who asks, who gives, and who listens?
Importkompaniet, Clarion Hotel the Edge, Tromsø – January 27, 18.15-19.15
Science advice supports effective policymaking by providing the best available knowledge, which can then be used to understand a specific problem, generate and evaluate policy options and monitor results of policy implementation. It also provides meaning to the discussion around critical topics within society. Successful mechanisms for science advice need to be independent and trustworthy.
The advice works best when it is guided by the ideal of co-creation of knowledge and policy options between scientists and policymakers.
- Read more on Facebook, read more on the AF website
Arctic Frontiers OPEN – Vekst eller vern i nord?
Prelaten Kro og Scene, Tromsø – January 27, 19.15-20.00
The panel will be held in Norwegian
Utnyttelse av naturressurser er av mange sett på som grunnlaget for næringsutvikling i nord. Er det plass til alle eller ligger det an til arealkonflikter? Hvordan balanserer vi forholdet mellom vern og vekst når klimaendringene merkes bedre i Arktis enn mange andre steder?
- Karoline Andaur, Interim CEO, WWF Norway
- Ørjan Nergaard, Sourcing Manager, Lerøy Seafood AS
- Martin Henriksen, Representant for Troms 2017-2021, Arbeiderpartiet
- Haakon Hop, seniorforsker, Norsk Polarinstitutt
Tor Eldevik, Professor, Universitet i Bergen og Bjerknessenteret
- Read more on Facebook, read more on the AF website