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til nytte for samfunnet.

Bjerknes Annual Meeting Program

Thursday 19th of October at Hotel Scandic Bergen City 

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Welcome by Bjerknes director Kikki Kleiven, Introduction of the Bjerknes Scientific Advisory Council members and the Bjerknes Annual Meeting theme
  How observations and reconstructions are an integrated part of our four research themes:
09:10-09:20 Introduction and perspectives from the Polar group by Kerim Nisancioglu
09:25-09:40 Invited talk by Jakob Dörr: "Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes" 
09:40-09:50 Introduction and perspectives from the Carbon group by Are Olsen 
09:50-10:05 Invited talk by Ingunn Skjelvan: "Decadal trends from the Ocean Weather Station M"
10:05-10:30 COFFEE BREAK
10:30-10:40 Introduction and perspectives from the Global group by Stefan Sobolowski
10:40-10:55 Invited talk by Wanyee Wong: "Sea ice distribution in Fram Strait during the Dansgaard-Oeschger events"
10:55-11:05 Introduction and perspectives from the Hazard group by Marius Årthun
11:05-11:20 Invited talk by Ines Olivier: "Preparing for the climate interpretation of a 1.5-million-year-old ice from Antarctica"
11:20-11:40 Invited perspective talk from SAC member Dr. Femke de Jong: "Ocean observing in a rapidly changing world"
11:45-12:45 LUNCH
12:45-13:45 Roundtable discussion on the Bjerknes Centre's focus and ambitions on O&R
  Bjerknes success stories. From FTI's to ERC's. International collaboration, groundbreaking observations and reconstructions, national and international campaigns
13:45-14:05 Stijn de Schepper: "Novel Tools for Arctic Paleoceanography"
14:05-14:25 Elin Darelius: "Bjerknes goes south: "Warm" water and melting ice shelves in the Weddell Sea" 
14:25-14:45 Nele Meckler: "A new look at old climate: Insights into past ocean temperature from clumped isotope thermometry in foraminifera"
14:45-15:15 COFFEE BREAK
15:15-17:15 Poster session
  We invite all participants to present posters on their research doing, using, and relating to observations and reconstructions. 
17:30- DINNER



Friday 20th of October in U105 (meeting room next to the cafeteria at the Geophysical Institute) 

09:00-09:45 SAC meets the PhD and ECSF (Early career scientist) forums
09:45-10:30 SAC meets to discuss feedback and suggestions
10:30-11:30 SAC meets the Leader group and provides feedback and suggestions 
11:30  LUNCH