Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Gudrun Sylte

Kommunikasjonsleder ved Bjerknessenteret med ansvar for eksternt kommunikasjonsarbeid, vår nettside, mediekontakt, møter og samarbeid med andre aktører. 



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5007 Bergen

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Phone: 40856457

Tore Furevik, director of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research was on the programme of the University of Bergens conference on the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Knowledge of Our Common Future. Here is an extended version of his talk.

Social anthropologist Edvard Hviding, climate scientist Noel Keenlyside and Ernst Nordtveit at the Faculty of Law receive five years of major funding from the prestigious Toppforsk programme, awarded by the Research Council of Norway.

"When you see a black cloud coming your way fast, you will start looking for shelter. The reason is of course that your brain tells you that there’s an outsized chance of rain", Erik W. Kolstad writes.