Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Gudrun Sylte

Kommunikasjonsleder ved Bjerknessenteret med ansvar for eksternt kommunikasjonsarbeid, vår nettside, mediekontakt, møter og samarbeid med andre aktører. 



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5007 Bergen

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Phone: 40856457

When the last ice age was over, a large glacier covering the 1000 meter deep Hardangerfjord collapsed. These events at the end of the ice age in Norway, resemble what we are about to witness in today’s Greenland.

"The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research was established in June 2000, named after father and son Vilhelm and Jacob Bjerknes, who were true visionaries and pioneers in meteorology and climate", Tore Furevik writes for our twenty years anniversary. 

Due to the world social distancing situation, the annual Ocean Outlook goes online with virtual presentations on topics and scoping the next full meeting: The near future of our oceans.

The oceans twilight zone, the dimply lit part between the sunlit surface and the dark abyss is home to mysterious ways of life. In a recent Nature comment an international group of scientists propose that the exploration of this region should be pursued in a collective joined up way across the international scientific community.