Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

sea ice

3 results

Is there a connection between reduced sea ice in the Arctic and waves of cold weather over northern Eurasia? The scientific community has debated this for over a decade. Bjerknes Centre researchers now propose a framework to bridge the alternate views.

When a fishing vessel sets course for Bear Island, the captain knows only which areas are ice-covered now, not where the ice will be tomorrow. In a few years, sea ice predictions will make routing easier and safer.

Exceptionally large export of sea ice through the 1300 might have triggered the onset of the Little Ice Age. Such abnormal behaviour might happen "out of the blue" from internal variability within the climate system, Martin Miles and colleagues suggests in a new study. 

Unormalt store mengder sjøis i drift sørover i byrjinga av 1300-tallet kan ha satt i gang den vesle istida, og viser eit nytt studie. Tilfeldige og spontane klimaendringar kan vere grunnen til at det kom så mykje is – som igjen sette i gang mange hundre år med kulde i Europa.