Coastal erosion reduces CO2 uptake in the Arctic Ocean
15.10.2024, 14:55
The oceans have relieved the atmosphere from ¼ of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In the Arctic, thawing permafrost may weaken this mechanism, new research indicates.
15.10.2024, 14:55
The oceans have relieved the atmosphere from ¼ of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In the Arctic, thawing permafrost may weaken this mechanism, new research indicates.
09.10.2024, 15:57
The Gulf Stream is depicted in one of two new stamps issued for Norwegian mail, in a series highlighting discoveries and inventions.
25.09.2024, 15:20
Young ice breaks apart easier than old ice, and breakup of large areas of sea ice has become increasingly more common.
13.08.2024, 11:10
What drives the Gulf Stream? To explore the most complicated questions, oceanographers pick up their lightest tools.
07.08.2024, 15:25
The Arctic region heats up more than the rest of the globe. Research suggests ice loss influences winters on the southern continents, though the effect is often overshadowed.
07.08.2024, 13:35
More than a hundred climate researchers meet to discuss research from a Norwegian-Chinese collaboration on climate research.
02.07.2024, 10:20
Yes. But variations off the coast of Florida do not necessarily reach Norway, often attributing its warm climate to the Gulf Stream. A new study questions the coherence of the circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean.
29.01.2024, 15:35
While the Arctic tundra loses color as the permafrost thaws, cities are greening.
20.11.2023, 14:45
DYNASOR seeks to understand the depths of a key region for the global climate system.
30.05.2023, 15:27
Is there a connection between reduced sea ice in the Arctic and waves of cold weather over northern Eurasia? The scientific community has debated this for over a decade. Bjerknes Centre researchers now propose a framework to bridge the alternate views.
22.05.2023, 13:14
I en ny artikkel viser en gruppe forskere at det er mulig å varsle mengden planteplankton i Barentshavet fem år fram i tid. Nøkkelen ligger i havstrømmene som bringer med seg varme og næringssalter.
19.01.2023, 13:16
The North Atlantic Ocean oscillates between warm and cool decades. A century is too short to show why. Climate models and old seashells will extend the measurement series to the Viking age.
31.05.2022, 16:00
If the sea rises one meter, will five centimeters more or less matter? That depends on where you are. Climate researchers develop methods for more precise projections of sea level rise in Northern Europe.
27.04.2022, 13:37
When a fishing vessel sets course for Bear Island, the captain knows only which areas are ice-covered now, not where the ice will be tomorrow. In a few years, sea ice predictions will make routing easier and safer.
22.03.2022, 18:19
In a large-scale airplane campaign researchers will follow water molecules from take-off till landing.
08.03.2022, 13:43
The North Icelandic Irminger Current may be seen as the Gulf Stream’s little finger. Follow this finger to its tip in Stefanie Semper's account of her new study.
01.03.2022, 13:17
While in most earlier climate models, the water flowing into the Nordic Seas was too cold, current models represent both the water temperature and the resulting heat transport better.
10.02.2022, 11:05
PhD-candidates Sonja Wahl, Paul Halas and professor and researcher Lars H. Smedsrud packed their bags and set off to Bergsjøen, Ål to convey polar climate science at the Ice Music Festival 2022.
11.10.2021, 14:36
A network of international researchers launches a European collaboration on October 14th 2021. This collaboration will train a new generation of scientists to understand how past climate changes impacted Antarctica.