Understanding climate
for the benefit of society


Understanding climate for the benefit of society. 

Our vision is to be the leading international centre for predicting Arctic-Atlantic climate change in a global context and be the key national provider of climate knowledge. 


OrganisationAll BCCR researchers are employed at one of our four partners

  • University of Bergen
  • Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
  • Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC)


In the following, please find: 


Leader group

Our board

Partners and sponsors

Staff 2023

 # Persons  % Non-Norwegian % Female








PhD candidates




 Technicians &








Bjerknes Centre recruites many international scientists. In 2022 39 nations are represented.

Bjerknes Årsrapport Kart 2019


Partners and Sponsors

The activities at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research are partially funded by a grant to the Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD) from the Ministry of Education and Research for the period 2010-2026.

The Bjerknes Centre was founded in 2000, and labeled a National Centre of Excellence (CoE) from 2003 - 2012. 


The University of Bergen (UiB) is a medium-sized European university with approximately 16 000 students and 3 000 employees. UiB is both an educational and a research institution that covers the majority of disciplines and fields, organised in seven faculties, and approximately 90 departments and academic centres. UiB is also part of a global network of students, scientists and knowledge institutions. It is a dynamic place where one can meet and interact with other academic communities locally, nationally and internationally. Since the mid 1980s, there has been great focus on creating an international profile for the university, and today UiB has numerous collaborations and partnerships with institutions across the globe.

NORCE is one of Norway's largest independent research institutes, if we include NORCE's subsidiaries, the group has 1000 employees from around the world. NORCE delivers research and innovation in energy, health care, climate, the environment, society and technology. NORCE's main office is in Bergen, and the group has a strong presence in Alta, Tromsø, Bardu, Bodø, Haugesund, Randaberg, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad og Oslo.

Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is Norway's largest centre of marine science, with a staff of almost 750. Their main task is to provide advice to Norwegian authorities on aquaculture and the ecosystems of the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Norwegian coastal zone. For this reason, about fifty percent of IMR activities are financed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) is an independent non-profit research foundation affiliated with the University of Bergen, Norway. The Nansen Center conducts basic and applied environmental and climate research, and generate interdisciplinary scientific expertise in Earth system environmental and climate research, satellite remote sensing, modeling and data assimilation.