Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

<  November 2020  >

03.11.2020 14:15 - 03.11.2020 16:00
Digital møterom, Zoom

Disputas: Kristian Agasøster Haaga. Avhandlingens tittel:"Causal interactions in the Earth System"

MSc. Kristian Agasøster Haaga disputerer for ph.d.-graden:

Tid: Tirsdag 3. november 2020, kl. 14.15

Sted: Digitalt møterom, Zoom

Møtet er et lukket nettmøte uten mulighet for deltagere til å kunne dele skjerm eller innhold, men man kan stille spørsmål i chatten, etter at presentasjonen og utspørringen er over.

Avhandlingens tittel:

Causal interactions in the Earth System



Professor Holger Kantz

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems




Seniorforsker Jaroslav Hlinka 

Institute of Computer Science

Czech Academy of Sciences




Øvrig medlem i komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Anna Nele Meckler, 

Institutt for geovitenskap, 

Universitetet i Bergen


Leder av disputasen: Førsteamanuensis Steffen Leth Jørgensen, 

Institutt for geovitenskap

Universitetet i Bergen



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05.11.2020 15:00 - 05.11.2020 17:00
Digital møterom, Zoom

Disputas: Johannes S. Dugstad: "Water mass exchange, pathways and the mesoscale eddy field in the Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea"

Johannes S. Dugstad disputerer 5.11.2020 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen "Water mass exchange, pathways and the mesoscale eddy field in the Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea"



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06.11.2020 13:15 - 06.11.2020 15:00
Zoom meeting

Polar team meeting

We will have our next Bjerknes polar team meeting on Friday the 6th of November at 13:15-15:00. The meeting will most likely be on zoom given the covid situation, but we will let you know if there are other options once we get closer.
On the agenda will be highlights from recent papers and projects, introduction of new members, presentation of proposal ideas for the upcoming NFR call, as well as a discussion of plans for the Ocean Decade with focus on Polar regions.
Please send slides/ideas/AOB ideas to me and Anne beforehand.
09.11.2020 14:15 - 09.11.2020 15:00

Seminar talk: A Conceptual Model of Polar Overturning

Name of speaker: Thomas Haine, Johns Hopkins University

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16.11.2020 14:15 - 16.11.2020 15:00

Seminar talk: Translation of seasonal rainfall into regional water storage in the Horn of Africa Drylands

Michael Singer is Lead Principal Investigator on the EU project DOWN2EARTH, which is one of the “sister projects” of CONFER, which is led by Bjerknes researcher Erik Kolstad. Michael is also Deputy Director of the Water Research Institute and Reader in the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Cardiff University, as well as a Researcher in the Earth Research Institute at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB).

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18.11.2020 09:00 - 19.11.2020 14:30

Klimathon 2020

18. og 19. november kan du delta på Klimathon for tredje gong! I år går vi ONLINE med klimarisiko som hovudtema. Bli med på to dagar med gruppediskusjonar, idéutveksling, fagleg påfyll og nye kjennskap frå heile landet!

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20.11.2020 10:15 - 20.11.2020 12:00

Disputas: Stephan Kral: “Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer"

MSc Stephan T. Kral disputerer for ph.d.-graden den 20. november kl. 10.15 med avhandlingen:


“Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer"



Professor Christoph Thomas, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences, University of Bayreuth, Tyskland


Førsteamanuensis Philip Anderson, Department of Earth Sciences, Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Storbritannia


Leder av komiteen

Førsteamanuensis Lea Svendsen,

Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen



Instituttleder, professor Tor Eldevik

Geofysisk institutt, Universitet i Bergen




27.11.2020 12:00 - 27.11.2020 13:00

Seminar talk: Climate Sensitivity on Geological Timescales Controlled by Nonlinear Feedbacks and Ocean Circulation

Name of speaker: Dan Lunt, Affiliation: University of Bristol.


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30.11.2020 10:15 - 30.11.2020 11:00

Seminar talk: Nitrous oxide emissions are increasing faster than expected

Name of speaker: Rona Thompson. Affiliation: NILU.

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30.11.2020 12:00 - 30.11.2020 18:30
Universitetet i Bergens Aula

Bjerknessenterets jubileumsseminar

Vi feirer 20 år den 30. november i Universitetet i Bergens aula. Se lenke for programmet.

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