Kjersti Birkeland Daae holder prøveforelesning ifm. ansettelse til stilling som førsteamanuensis i oseanografi den 02.september 2019 kl 9:30 i Undervisningsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5, BCCR. (Geofysisk institutt)
Tema: Grunnleggende programmering og enkle modeller som verktøy i undervisning og utdanning i oseanografi
Professor Helge Drange, Geofysisk institutt
Professor Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, Geofysisk institutt
Administrasjonssjef Kristin Kalvik, Geofysisk institutt
Adgang for interesserte tilhørere.
Velkommen til lokalet i god tid før prøveforelesningen!
Seminar: David Rivas
Name of speaker: David Rivas.Affiliation: Biological Oceanography Department - CICESE. Please find abstract via link.
Les merNorESM User Workshop
The workshop will consist of lectures on simulating the NorESM2 model and practical sessions on running NorESM2 with various components (e.g., CAM, MICOM, CLM, CICE) and post-processing data. The workshop is targeted to Ph.D student, postdocs and scientists who are interested in executing model simulations and technical aspects. We can accept a maximum of 20 students based on their knowledge of using HPC machines.
(Possibly, we also will have streaming capacity. If interested indicate this in the application.)
Workshop registration is free of charge and lunch and social dinner on Tuesday 3 September is included. Participants must cover travel and accommodation.
Contact: Yanchun He (, Jørund Strømsøe (, Alok Kumar Gupta (
Deadline to signup: 15 August 2019
“Still disagreeing about climate change … but what have we learned in 10 years?”
Mike Hulme gives a guest lecture at UiB
It is now 10 years since Mike Hulme published the seminal book “Why we disagree about climate change” and we have asked him to reflect on the climate issue “ten years after”.
He has accepted and will come to Bergen 6th September and give the talk “Still disagreeing about climate change … but what have we learned in 10 years?”.
Pacific Science/Policy Perspectives for the Ocean/Climate Nexus
Name of speaker: Elisabeth A Holland. Affiliation: University of the South Pacific/ University of Bergen
Les merBjerknes annual meeting
Save the date! Programme will be released at a later date.
Seminar: Hydroclimate Responses to ENSO and Trans-basin Variability over the Globe
Name of speaker: June-Yi Lee. Affiliation: Pusan National University and Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Center for Climate Physics (ICCP). Please find abstract via link.
Les merSeminar talk: Remote influence of the tropical Pacific variability on Arctic climate in coupled model simulations
Name of speaker: Yu Kosaka.Affiliation: RCAST, University of Tokyo. Please find more information via link.
Les merSeminar: A revisit to the question of sea ice impact on the atmosphere
Name of speaker: Jinro Ukita. Affiliation: Niigata University. Please find abstract via link.
Les merIQW: Simon Pendleton, Glaciers, plants, rocks and unprecedented warming in the Canadian Arctic
What: Glaciers, Plants, Rocks, and Unprecedented Warming in the Canadian Arctic
Who: Simon Pendleton, WHOI
When: Wednesday the 25 of September at 15:00
Where: Palstrat. Salen, 2 floor, Dept. of Earth science, Allegaten 41
All are welcome to attend!
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Here is the link to papers suggested by Simon Pendleton, related to his talk on Sept 25th:
Hope to see you all !
Professor Jostein Bakke
Head of Quaternary Earth Systems Group
Seminar talk: Embracing uncertainty in the carbon budgets framework: overshoot scenarios and the role of internal variability
Name of speaker: Katarzyna (Kasia) Tokarska, affiliation: ETH Zurich. Find abstract via link.
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