Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

<  March 2019  >

04.03.2019 14:15 - 04.03.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: New Frontiers in Deep Space Exploration

Name of speaker: Avneet Singh from the Geophysical institute, UiB.

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05.03.2019 10:15 - 05.03.2019 12:00
Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41

Disputas: Andreas Plach: "Simulation of the Eemian Greenland ice sheet“.

Andreas Plach disputerer 5. mars 2019 for ph.d-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen: "Simulation of the Eemian Greenland ice sheet“.

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13.03.2019 12:15 - 13.03.2019 13:00
Room 904, 9th floor, Social Sciences building (SV-bygget)

CET Seminar: Is Brazil heading towards River Basin and Integrated Coastal Zone Management?

Centre efor climate and energy transformation (CET) and the Faculty of Law are happy to announce next week's CET lunch seminar with Professor Stella Emery Santana from Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Title: Is Brazil heading towards River Basin and Integrated Coastal Zone Management?



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18.03.2019 10:15 - 18.03.2019 12:00
Sted: Auditorium 5, Realfagbygget

Disputas: Torgeir Opeland Røthe

MSc. Torgeir Opeland Røthe disputerer for ph.d.-graden:

Tid: Mandag 18. mars 2019, kl. 10.15

Avhandlingens tittel:

Reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental variations from lacustrine sediments in sub-Arctic and Arctic lakes, and their climatic implications


Professor, ph.d., Achim Brauer

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Tyskland


Førsteamanuensis, ph.d., Jon Woodruff

Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts (UMASS), USA

Øvrig medlem i komiteen:

Professor, ph.d., John-Inge Svendsen

Institutt for geovitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen

Leder av disputasen:

Professor Atle Nesje,
Institutt for geovitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen

Adgang for interesserte tilhørere. Velkommen til lokalet i god tid før disputasen!

18.03.2019 14:15 - 18.03.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Antarctic sea-ice control on glacial and modern deep-ocean circulation and carbon storage

Name of speaker: Alice Marzocchi. Affiliation: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton 

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20.03.2019 10:00 - 20.03.2019 16:00
Det Norske Teatret, Oslo


Horisontkonferansen er Forskningsrådets største møteplass for næringsliv, offentlig sektor og forskere. I samarbeid med Aftenposten utfordrer de innledere og publikum til å finne nye, gode løsninger på aktuelle utfordringer. Erik W. Kolstad fra Bjerknessenteret og NORCE er en av innlederne.

Se mer info om arrangementet og meld deg på via lenken.

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22.03.2019 10:00 - 22.03.2019 11:30
BCCR lecture room (west wing 4th floor).

Bjerknes Climate Hazards Meeting, the ice dynamics theme.

We are planning a meeting on Friday to present the recent, ongoing and future work of the ice dynamics theme of the Climate Hazard Group.

The meeting will be held Friday the 22nd from 10:00 to 11:30 in the BCCR lecture room (west wing 4th floor).

This is an open meeting and we plan to talk about the NorESM CISM coupling (Andreas Born), the new TiPACCs project (Petra Langebroek) and some subglacial considerations (Basile de Fleurian).

Look forward to seeing you there,

Basile de Fleurian on behalf of the ice dynamics people.

25.03.2019 14:15 - 25.03.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Scale Dependent Horizontal Eddy Diffusivity

Name of speaker: Aleksi Nummelin, Affiliation: NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS. For abstract, see link. 

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