Seminar talk: Extensive fires in south eastern Siberian permafrost linked to preceding Arctic Oscillation
Name of speaker: Jin-Soo Kim. Affiliation: University of Edinburgh. Abstract and bio are available via the link.
Les merOur common future in a changing climate
Venue: Egget / The Student Centre
Contact person: Dagmara Rusiecka, Geophysical Institute, UiB
Oceans cover 70% of the Earths’ surface, produce over 50% of the world’s oxygen, regulate our weather and climate patterns, and provide energy, food, medicine, and recreation. However, this invaluable shared resource is under threat due to human-induced ocean warming and acidification, expansion of oceanic dead zones, and unsustainable fishing. Safeguarding our common ocean for future generations is a shared responsibility and a matter of global urgency.
The EU H2020 projects, TRIATLAS and COMFORT, coordinated by UiB, provide fundamental knowledge to achieve SDG14 Life under water and SDG13 Climate action through international partnership of 57 institutes from 21 countries. However, we believe that research requires a close interaction and two way-communication with citizens and students, important task force in achieving a shift towards ocean sustainability.
We hereby invite you to find out about our work at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. You will help us by engaging in an interactive discussion with panel experts to find solutions on how we can effectively work together to achieve SDGs. With support from Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub.
Don’t forget to bring a charged phone!
This event is relevant for:
- SDG 13: Climate Action
- SDG 14: Life below Water
Akademisk lunsj med Helge Drange
Kan det vi i dag ser skyldes naturlige variasjoner, eller er våre klimagassutslipp årsaken? Med snart 8 milliarder mennesker på jorden, virker det nesten håpløst å redusere våre miljø- og klimaavtrykk. Men selv om folk flest er kinesere, betyr ikke dette at klimagassutslippene per nordmenn er små. Under dette foredraget skal professor Helge Drange gi en liten gjennomgang av status – og ser på hvilke aktiviteter som gir utslipp og hva vi kan gjøre.
Helge Drange er professor på Geofysisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen, og er forsker ved Bjerknessenteret for klimaforskning.
Akademisk lunsj arrangeres i samarbeid med Universitetsbiblioteket, Høgskulen på Vestlandet og Norges Handelshøyskole.
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Storm tracks workgroup meeting
Lorenzo Sangelantoni (Università dell’Aquila), visitor of Stefan Sobolowski
Disputas: Carl Regnéll
Carl Regnéll disputerer med avhandlingen "Tracing the Eurasian Ice Sheet Complex - Studies from the Polar Ural Mountains and Scandinavia".
Les merThe Constraints on global warming subgroup
The Constraints on global warming subgroup will meet again Friday, 14 January, 12-13, in U1 (west wing).
Bring your lunch and join the discussion. Bring along anyone whom might be interested.
Ada Gjermundsen (from MET, Oslo) happens to be in Bergen next Friday and has agreed to give an informal presentation of the work she is doing on NorESM2 vs CESM2 Climate sensitivity. This will be a nice follow up from Odd Helges session last week.
(I know I said I would do this time - but since this opportunity came up I will postpone it until mid March. - This was too good of an opportunity not to follow up on).
See you,
Bjerknes Polar Group meeting
Dear all,
Our next Bjerknes Polar Group meeting will be Tuesday the 18th of February at 12:15 in the 4th floor Bjerknes classroom.
During the meeting we will discuss new opportunities and follow up the brainstorming we had at Geilo on the use of KPH starting with the new UiB quota coming online in 2021. The idea of a joint Fram strait cruise was very well received by NP during meetings at Arctic Frontiers.
As usual send 1-2 slides on updates and new papers + highlights of new proposals.
Kerim and Anne
Storm tracks workgroup meeting
19 February, 14:00 --Hilla Afargan (ETH), Pacific influence on the downward response of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings