Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

AMOC constraint on the North Atlantic biogeochemistry

In this project we will focus on the role of the Atlantic meridional circulation in regulating the ocean biogeochemistry.


The AMOC is central to a wide spectrum of BCCR research portfolio. We aim to gather the disparate lines of recent progress and understanding of AMOC’s role in regulating the ocean biogeochemistry across paleo-to-future time scales. We will review the impact of AMOC variability, combined with changing atmospheric CO2, on the biogeochemical tracer distribution in the interior North Atlantic, including the rate of carbon sequestration and resulting ocean acidification.

At the surface, changes in poleward transports of heat, nutrients and anthropogenic carbon alter the rates of primary production and air-sea carbon fluxes. The paper will review existing modeling and empirical studies (both within and outside the BCCR communities) on the above issues. Neither new data nor model simulations will be generated.

The project will only review existing literatures and perform necessary additional analysis to test previous hypothesis on new data or simulations, e.g., CMIP6 simulations.
Finally, in addition to synthesizing where the community stands in this topic, the paper will also offer a coordinated discussion on future research direction the BCCR can contribute in this topic internationally. 

Leaders: Elaine McDonagh and Augustin Kessler