Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Event info
18.02.2021 12:30 - 18.02.2021 13:30

Equal opportunity lunch seminar

There are many benefits of gender diversity in the workplace. Mixed groups are often more productive, creative, and innovative because they can look at the same problem from different perspectives. Despite we know that diversity is beneficial, there is still a lack of gender balance, in particular in top scientific positions.

Why are we still so far from this goal and what can we do to improve the gender balance? 

We would like to discuss this topic during a lunch seminar with Dr. Audine Laurian. Audine is the scientific manager at the German Collaborative Research Center Waves to Weather. Together with colleagues, she started a project to promote gender balance providing role models, women and men, to the students and scientific community.

The seminar is for both woman and male colleagues; both perspectives are needed to improve the gender balance!

Please contact Erica Madonna for additional sign up and meeting details