The Thursday meeting includes talks by our own Trond Dokken on Climate Service, in addition to talks on the green roof at IKEA and adaptation from the insurance industry’s point of view.
Trond Dokken is first out, presenting Climate Service and the prosjekt “Klimapilot Hordaland”. This is a collaboration between Hordaland Fylkeskommune, Bergen kommune, Norsk klimaservicesenter, Uni Research and the Bjerknes Centre.
"Local goverment and private sector are increasingly recognized as critical to progress in adaption, given their roles in scaling up adaption of communities, households, and civil society and in managing risk information. Organizations bridging science and decision-making, including climate services, play an important role in the communication, transfer, and development of climate-related knowledge, including translation, engagement, and knowledge exchange”. This is what we aim for in the Hordaland pilot. Better two-ways communication and transfer of knowledge to end-users. Norwegian Climate Service Centre together with Uni Research Climate and the Bjerknes Centre will play an important role together with local municipals to implement best practice in how climate service can be implemented locally", Trond Dokken says.
Please see the programme here
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Climate forum is the local meeting point for people from the industry and commerce, authorities, organizations and research institutions. This is a collaboration between the Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Municipality of Bergen.
Climate changes and adaption in Europe and Norway
Trond Dokken is first to give a talk on Thursdays Climate Forum. You are all invited to the breakfast meeting on climate changes and adaption.