23.08.2016 |
Jón Egill Kristjánsson sadly passed away in August 2016 in a tragic accident. Jón Egill was an exceptional scientist and a key figure in many projects. We were extremely happy to have him as an expert leader of the work package on processes in atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere in the EVA project. He was a pillar to the project in all aspects and to Earth system science in general. We are thankful for the time we could share with him and we owe much to him. He also was a good person to talk to – about science or other topics. You always received some good advice and food for thought from him. We have a lost a great scientist as well as a warm hearted colleague and friend. We will seriously miss him and keep him in our memory.
Prof. Christoph Heinze, project leader
Agenda for the coming all-staff meeting in Oslo May 19.-20. 2015 - file in pdf here
EVA is extending and applying the Norwegian Earth System Model NorESM for selected key analyses in 5 work packages.
[EVA workflow structure]
WP 1-4 for scientific work, WP5 for data management and dissemination.
In WPs 1-2, new developments in process representation and parameterisations are implemented and tested in separate model components of NorESM.
In WP4, these new developments are merged in a new cycle of NorESM2 (components: atmosphere CAM5-Oslo, land CLM4.5, ocean physics MICOM/upgraded, ocean biogeochemistry HAMOCC5 isopycnic/upgraded) based on CESM1.2.
WP4 will carry out and evaluate long runs with this new NorESM2 version, and will prepare for participation in CMIP6 and IPCC.
WP3 will partly employ the existing NorESM1 for the variability studies, but use NorESM2 when it becomes available. Also the CMIP5 ensemble will be utilised for the analysis. WP3 is essential for a science driven development of NorESM and for scientific underpinning of climate services as well as key statements on climate developments in the sub-Arctic and Arctic region.