Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

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A new study provides evidence of substantial variations in past sea ice cover in the Norwegian Sea, instrumental for several abrupt climate changes between 32,000 and 40,000 years ago. 

Climate change could bring about major disruption for the Indus River and for the millions of people who depend on it. Yet why is it still so challenging to forecast the future of the Indus’ water resources? Michel Mesquita, Lu Li and others investigate that in their new book chapter.

Even though weather forecasts have become very good over the last decades, you can sometimes be waiting for snow that never falls. A new study searches for the origins of an erroneous forecast.  

Winter storm tracks near Norway are not always well represented in global climate models. A new study shows that removing known biases from the start can improve  the results. 

Ice from the Eemian, 125,000 years ago, has been found in ice cores from Greenland. But what did the ice sheet look like then? Andreas Plach writes about challenges in modeling past ice sheets. 

Vannet som strømmer inn i Barentshavet og Polhavet er blitt varmere det siste hundreåret. Fra år til år er det likevel strømmens styrke som regulerer hvor mye varme sjøisen utsettes for.  

Some of the strongest cyclones that have hit northwestern Australia would have been more dangerous in a future, warmer climate. 

The temperature of the subpolar North Atlantic is going lower. This implies decreasing cod stocks in the Barents Sea over the next five to six years, shows study.

The Arctic is about to shrink, shows a new study, as an important part of the Arctic Ocean shifts over to an Atlantic climate regime. The rapid climate shift occurs in the northern Barents Sea—the Arctic warming hotspot where the surface warming and loss of winter sea ice is largest in the entire Arctic. 

Strong winds along the Antarctic coast increase the flow of cold water from the Weddell Sea into the Atlantic. Kjersti Daae explains her new study of how winds and currents interact.