Tuesday this week a good amount of PesClim ph.d-candidates, lecturers and previous ResClimers came together at Solstrand outside of Bergen to celebrate the eight ResClim years.
”ResClim has been a success and has fully reached its goal”, Tore Furevik, the research school director proudly announced.
As today’s researchers have to navigate within an international work place, it is essential to greate international networks. Twice a year ResClim has provided travel grants for for scientific events as well as for short research stays at partner institutes.
Since the research school was inaugurated in March 2009, the school has granted 95 PhD students a total of 2,5 MNOK for research stays, international courses and conferences, as well as covering expenses for equipment, travel for field and laboratory work.
Even though ResClim was finalized tuesday, there will still be a strong research school on climate research. Wednesday and Thursday was the first annual meeting for the new research school CHESS.