Constraints on global warming meeting
Next Constraints on global warming Meeting is Friday, 2 October, at 12.
Richard Davy will set the topic, and he would like to discuss the use of emergent constraints for transient climate change and future directions for this approach.
Contact Bjørg for info and link.
Seminar: "Supermodeling the Climate System: Learning Critical Behavior"
Name of speaker: Greg Duane (University of Bergen)
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Seminar talk: Climate change and deep water renewal in Masfjorden
Name of speaker: Elin Darelius. Affiliation: GFI, UIB
Read moreSeminar talk: North Atlantic climate far more predictable than models imply
Name of speaker: Doug Smith, Affiliation, Met Office, UK. Please follow the link to read the abstract.
Read moreWorkshop 'Evaporation and isotopes'
On behalf of the BCCR subgroup "Water cycle and water isotopes", members of the Bjerknes centre are invited to a one-day literature workshop on ‘Evaporation and isotopes’ to be held at UiB on the 20th of October.
The workshop will be based on reading and discussing published literature, with the purpose of providing an understanding of the state-of-the-art of the processes and model representation of evaporation processes from the ocean (and land?) to the atmosphere. In addition to revisiting classic literature on the subject, we aim for an update on the state-of-the-art after the comprehensive review from Horita et al., 2008, which is now 12 years old.
Note that this invitation is both directed to isotope specialists and participants from the various Bjerknes groups, who have an interest in evaporation processes from an oceanographic or atmospheric (and terrestrial?) perspective, even if they have no or only limited knowledge of water isotope processes.
Please contact Alexandra Touzeau.if you have any questions
Workshop ‘Isotopes and Evaporation’
Workshop ‘Isotopes and Evaporation’, 20th October, Geophysical Institute.
Information and registration at:
Ekstremvær til frokost 30. oktober
Hva skjer med ekstremvær framover?
Hvordan påvirker ekstremvær oss?
Klimaforskningssentrene Cicero og Bjerknessenteret inviterer til felles frokostmøte om ekstremvær. Forskerne Jana Sillmann, Erik Kolstad, Steffi Mayer og Kjersti Konstali presenterer ferske funn.
Kristin Halvorsen, direktør for Cicero og Tore Furevik, direktør for Bjerknessenteret styrer møtet.
Arrangementet strømmes på Youtube. Er du i Bergen er det også mulig å være fysisk tilstede. Gitt koronasituasjonen har vi rom for et mindre antall deltakere. Meld deg på denne lenken.