Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  October 2019  >

02.10.2019 11:00 - 02.10.2019 12:00
Presserommet, Media City Bergen

Vi skal granske FN tala om hav og is

Onsdag sist veke la FNs klimapanel fram sin siste rapport om hav og is. Panelet varslar der om stor havnivåauking blant anna på grunn av meir issmelting på Sørpolkontinentet (Antarktis), men kunnskapen om kva som vil skje med isen på Sørpolen er mangelfull. Tala i rapporten er usikre og meir forsking må til.

Denne forskinga startar vi no opp gjennom eit nytt stort EU (Horisont 2020) prosjekt med namnet Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components (TiPACCs). I prosjektet skal det sjekkast ut om det er vippepunkt («Tipping Point») i det Antarktiske klimasystemet. Det betyr punkt der akselerasjonen på temperaturen i havet aukar. Slike vippepunkt kan føre til hurtig og uventa auka smelting av isen.

NORCE leier arbeidet i TiPACCs prosjektet i tett samarbeid med nokre av Europas største forskingsinstitutt og deira fremste ekspertar på hav og is i Antarktis. Store og avanserte datamaskinmodellar skal brukast til å studere kva som skjer med isen på sørpolen og i havet utanfor slik at FNs klimapanel neste gong kan gi eit meir sikkert varsel om kor mykje havnivået vil stige.

Førstkommande onsdag er det Kick-off her i Bergen og i forkant av vårt forskarmøte inviterer vi til informasjonsmøte for pressa. Hit kjem nokre av nøkkelforskarane frå prosjektet. Det vert korte innleiingar og tid er sett av til intervju og spørsmål til forskarane.

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02.10.2019 15:00 - 02.10.2019 16:00
Palstrat Salen, 2 floor Dept. of Earth science

IQW: Reconstructing long-term biogeochemical cycling from lakes using paleogenomics

Dear all,


Welcome to this week’s webinar with Alexandra Rouillard from UiT.


Who: Alexandra Rouillard, University of Tromso

What: Reconstructing long-term biogeochemical cycling from lakes using paleogenomics

When: Wednesday the 2 of October

Where: Palstrat Salen, 2 floor Depth of Earth science


Reading: Alexandra has recommended 2 papers connected to the topic of her talk. These can be found here:



For remote access using phone, tablet or computer:




A recording of Alexandra's talk will be posted on the Webinar web site within 24 hours of her presentation (if all goes well...!)





Professor Jostein Bakke

Head of Quaternary Earth Systems Group

08.10.2019 08:30 - 08.10.2019 13:00

Jørgen Randers from BI visiting UiB and the Bjerknes Centre

On Tuesday Oct 8 Jørgen Randers from BI will visit UiB and the Bjerknes Centre. From 8:30 to 10:00 Jørgen Randers will give a talk based on the «transformation» report at the «Forum for science and democracy» (breakfast from 0800) at Christie Café. The talk is open to all (in Norwegian).

At 11:00 - 13:00 he will visit the Bjerknes Centre and present the low-complexity ESCIMO model (
http://www.2052.info/escimo/). He will discuss the model and its results, and would like to have feedback on both. If you want to attend the meeting with Jørgen Randers here at Bjerknes, please give me a word so lunch can be ordered (I know it is not the best day due to autumn vacations and also the COMPACT pre-workshop). It will be in the large meeting room in the Vest Ving (Bjerknes).


Jørgen Randers is one of the pioneers within sustainability and planetary boundaries research (e.g. co-authored the famous «Limits to growth» book in 1972) and is still active (e.g. lead author of the «Transfomation is feasible» report with Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2018). See his bio here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B8rgen_Randers.


09.10.2019 15:00 - 09.10.2019 16:00
Palstratsalen, 2 floor, Realfagsbygget, Allegateen 41

IQW: ALAN CONDRON - Troubles in Paleoclimatology: The deglacial meltwater problem

Dear all,


Welcome to this week’s webinar with Alan Codnron, very interesting topic that hopefully engange a lot of people in the Bjerknes community!


Who: Alan Condron, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

What: Troubles in Paleoclimatology: The deglacial meltwater problem

Where: Palstratsalen, 2 floor, Realfagsbygget, Allegaten 41

When: today Wednesday the 9 of September at 15:00


Recommended reading: https://blogs.umass.edu/csrc/quaternary-webinar/


Zoom Login information:






A recording of Alan's talk will be posted on the Webinar web site within 24 hours of her presentation (if all goes well...!)





Professor Jostein Bakke

Head of Quaternary Earth Systems Group

14.10.2019 14:15 - 14.10.2019 15:00
Bjerknes lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Oceans Melting Greenland: NASA's 5-year mission to observe ocean and ice changes around the Greenland Ice Sheet

Name of speaker: Dr. Ian Fenty .Affiliation: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech. Please find abstract and bio via link. 

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15.10.2019 14:15 - 15.10.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar talk: Ocean Research at the University of Western Australia: Investigating the Response of Australia's Coastline to a Changing Climate

Name of speakers: Justin Geldard and Carly Portch. Affiliation: The University of Western Australia

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16.10.2019 11:00 - 16.10.2019 12:30
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Phase-resolving spatio-temporal wave measurements using stereo imaging for model and laboratory studies

Name: Alvise Benetazzo, affiliation: ISMAR-CNR, Italy. Please find abstract via link.

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16.10.2019 15:00 - 16.10.2019 16:00
Palstrat. Salen, 2 floor, Department of Earth science, Allégaten 41, Realfagsbygget

IQW webinar: Revised marine14C chronologies suggest that a collapse of Eurasian icesheets 14,600 years ago was a major source of global Meltwater Pulse 1a

Dear all,


Welcome to this week´s webinar that will be broadcasted from Bergen. Please come and join us in Palstrat salen and support Jo!


What: Revised marine14C chronologies suggest that a collapse of Eurasian icesheets 14,600 years ago was a major source of global Meltwater Pulse 1a

Who: Jo Brendryen, University of Bergen

When: Wedenesday the 16 of October, at 15:00

Where: Palstrat. Salen, 2 floor, Department of Earth science, Allégaten 41, Realfaggsbygget


Jo has recommended papers connected to the topic of his talk. These can be found here:



Remote access using Zoom:




A recording of Jo's talk will be posted on the Webinar web site in due course...

18.10.2019 10:00 - 18.10.2019 11:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Floating North with the MicroCT

Name of speaker: Amy Macfarlane. Affiliation: Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research. Please find abstract and bio via link. 

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21.10.2019 11:15 - 21.10.2019 12:00
Nansen Center, Thormøhlensgate 47

NERSC seminar: Chasing Water: How ocean currents transport plastic and plankton around the globe

Dear All,


Welcome to seminar by Dr. Erik van Sebille in the Lecture room at the Nansen Center, Monday October 21 at 11:15:


Chasing Water: How ocean currents transport plastic and plankton around the globe
Dr. Erik van Sebille - Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Netherlands

The ocean is in constant motion, with water circulating within and flowing between basins. As the water moves around, it carries heat and nutrients, as well as planktonic organisms and plastic litter around the globe.
The most natural way to study the pathways of water and the connections between ocean basins is using particle trajectories. The trajectories can come from computing of virtual floats in high-resolution ocean models.
In this seminar, Erik will give an overview of some recent work with Lagrangian particles. He will introduce the new open-source
oceanparcels.org framework and show applications to marine microbiology and ecology, palaeoclimatology and plastic pollution. Central to each of these studies is the question on how connected the different ocean basins are, and on what time scales water flows between the different regions of the ocean.

21.10.2019 13:15 - 21.10.2019 15:00
VilVite Auditorium, Thormøhlensgate 51

Disputas: Francesca Jaroszynska

Title of thesis: "Climate and biotic interactions – Drivers of plant community structure and ecosystem functioning in alpine grasslands" Please follow link for more information.

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21.10.2019 14:15 - 21.10.2019 15:00
BCCR Lecture room 4020

Seminar talk: Seasonal and interannual climate reconstructions derived from fossil giant clam shells (Tridacna) from the Western Pacific Warm Pool : implications for paleoENSO studies.

Name of speaker: Mary Elliot. Affiliation: Université de Nantes, LPG, on sabbatical in NORCE. Please find abstract via link. 

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22.10.2019 14:15 - 22.10.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar talk: Changes in ocean water masses reveal excess heat distribution in the climate system

Name: of speaker: Jan Zika. Affiliation: UNSW, Australia. Please find abstract via link. 

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22.10.2019 16:00 - 22.10.2019 17:30
Media City Bergen

A 100 000 year aquatic journey with our southern African ancestors



A 100 000 year aquatic journey with our southern African ancestors


A Talk by Craig Foster – filmmaker, warrior of marine conservation and intrepid explorer of early human origins is coming to Bergen on October 22nd to show-case his award-winning films and talk about his dedication to protect and explore the ocean and his work with SapienCE at UiB


Date: 22.10.2019 - Time: 16.00–17.30

Media City Bergen


You can see a preview of one of his movies on You Tube here



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23.10.2019 14:15 - 23.10.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar talk: Early glaciations and fjord formation in N and NE Greenland and Scandinavia

Name of speaker: Vivi Kathrine Pedersen. Affiliation: Aarhus University. Please find abstract via link. 

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23.10.2019 15:00 - 23.10.2019 16:00
Palstratsalen, 2 floor, Dept. of Earth science, Allègaten 41

QIW: Lake sediments reveal ice-free interval on northwest Spitsbergen during Last Glacial Maximum - Willem van der Bilt



This week`s webinar will be given by Willem van der Bilt. He is at Lamont this week and will give his presentation from there. However, no reason not to show up in Palstratsalen, very exciting topic that will appear in Science Advances today!


What: Lake sediments reveal ice-free interval on northwest Spitsbergen during Last Glacial Maximum

Who: Willem van der Bilt, University of Bergen

When: 23 of October, at 15:00

Where: Palstratsalen, 2 floor, Dept. of Earth science, Allègaten 41


Willem has recommended a paper related to the topic of his talk and it can be found here:



In addition, his own paper about this topic will be available on Science Advances just a few hours after his talk on Wednesday...


Login from remote location:




A recording of Willem's talk will be posted on the Webinar web site in due course...






Professor Jostein Bakke

Head of Quaternary Earth Systems Group

29.10.2019 14:15 - 29.10.2019 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar talk: Investigating a cold-air outbreak over the Iceland Sea during the Iceland-Greenland Seas Project field campaign

Name of speaker: Chris Barrell. Affiliation: University of East Anglia, UK. Please find abstract via link. 

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30.10.2019 09:00 - 30.10.2019 16:00
K.G. Jebsen Seminarrom, Realfagbygget 4th floor,

Coastal Change 21st Century

Coastal Change 21st Century at GEO - for programme, se link.


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30.10.2019 15:00 - 30.10.2019 16:00
Paltratsalen. 2 floor, Dept of Earth science

QIW: Paleo-ice streams in NE Iceland -Benditssonan & Aradottir

Dear all,


This one will hopefully interest a lot of you both at the Bjerknes Centre and in the Department of Earth science!


What: Paleo-ice streams in NE Iceland

Who: Ívar Örn Benediktsson & Nína Aradóttir, University of Iceland

Where: Paltratsalen. 2 floor, Dept of Earth science

When: Wednesday the 30 of October at 15:00


Recommended papers connected to the topic of the talk can be found here:



Login from remote location:





A recording of their talk will be posted on the Webinar web site in due course...


PS. Here is a heads up on the following week's talk...

November 6th Liviu Giosan, WHOI: The Climate Sediment Pump and the Sea Level Valve before and after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition



31.10.2019 09:50 - 01.11.2019 12:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Alertness Science Meeting

Thursday, 31.10. and Friday, 1.11., the Alertness project (www.alertness.no) holds its annual meeting in Bergen. The presentations related to advances in Arctic weather forecasting are in the BCCR lecture room, and are open to all interested participants. Please see the programme below.




AGENDA Alertness Science Meeting (www.alertness.no)
Date: 31 October - 01 November
Place: Bjerknes Centre, Bergen, Norway
Room: West wing auditorium (4th floor Bjerknes Centre).

Day 1 (31 October)
09:50 - 10:00 Welcome (Jørn Kristiansen)
10:00 - 11:30 WP 1: Develop and apply verification metrics and diagnostics
Matilda Hallerstig (NORCE) - The representation of polar lows in ECMWF HRES and Arome Arctic
Rune Graversen, Patrick Stoll (UiT) - A polar low analysed with the convection-permitting weather forecasting model AROME-Arctic
Eirik Samuelsen (MET Norway) - Marine-icing modelling: current status and challenges.
Morten Køltzow (MET Norway) - Appropriate metrics and diagnostics for verifying AROME-Arctic
11:30 - 12:00 WP 2 Improve use and assimilation of Arctic observations for NWP
Yurii Batrak (MET Norway) - Sea ice temperature assimilation / sea ice (edge) advection
(Lunch break)
13:00 - 14:00 WP 2 Improve use and assimilation of Arctic observations for NWP (Continued) Máté Mile (MET Norway) - Supermodding approach in ASCAT data assimilation
Roger Randriamampianina (MET Norway) - OSE during YOPP SOP1& SOP2
14:00 - 15:00 Invited guest presentations (30 min each)
Carl Fortelius (FMI) - NWP intercomparison at Sodankylä
Stephan Kral (UiB) - Stable boundary layer observations over sea ice during the two ISOBAR field campaigns on Hailuoto
15:30 - 17:00 WP 3 Enhance and improve NWP model capabilities and diagnostics for high latitudes
Wim de Rooy (KNMI) - Improved parametrization of the boundary layer in Harmonie-Arome
Igor Ezau, Stephen Outten (NERSC) - Towards an energy-flux-balance scheme in single-column model MUSC
Marvin Kähnert (GFI, UiB) - Tendency output: from error compensation to understanding model behaviour Harald Sodemann (GFI, UiB) for Teresa Valkonen (Met Norway) - Stochastic parameterisation developments


Day 2 (1 November)
09:00 - 10:00 Invited guest presentations (30 min each)
Thomas Spengler (UiB) - Air-sea heat exchange during cold air outbreaks: Influence of resolution and sea ice distribution
Malte Müller (MET Norway) - Towards a coupled atmosphere, wave, sea-ice and ocean forecasting system
10:00 - 11:00 WP 4 Develop an Ensemble Prediction System optimized for Arctic conditions Andrew Singleton (MET Norway) - Results from SOP 1 and SOP 2
Rafael Grote (MET Norway) - Sea surface temperature variability and perturbations
11:30 - 12:00 WP 5 Improve polar prediction through the Alertness value chain
Marius Jonassen (UNIS) - Applications of AROME Arctic and weather observations in education and research at UNIS
Anna Kathinka Dalland Evans (MET Norway) - How do we improve the visibility of Alertness in society?

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