BCCR/GFI Seminar: Emergence and Development of the ‘100kyr World’
Steve Barker (Cardiff University, UK) will give a talk entitled: Emergence and Development of the ‘100kyr World’
Read moreNansen guest lecture: Amplified Arctic Warming and Mid-latitude Weather: Emerging Connections
Tuesday 04 October 2016, at 11:15h. Title: Amplified Arctic Warming and Mid-latitude Weather: Emerging Connections by Prof. Jennifer Francis, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
IQW: Bea Csatho - Refining Greenland mass loss history since the LGM
What: Refining Greenland mass loss history since the LGM. Who: Dr Bea Csatho, University at Buffalo, SUNY. Remote login: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/925781779
BCCR/GFI Seminar: Why is there an ocean overturning circulation in the North Atlantic and not in the North Pacific?
David Battisti (University of Washington) will give a talk entitled: Why is there an ocean overturning circulation in the North Atlantic and not in the North Pacific?. OBS! Please note that this seminar will take place at Nygårdsporten auditorium (Nygårdsgaten 112, Uni Research), starting at 14:00. Please find an abstract below.
Read moreBCCR/GFI Seminar: An Empirical Model for Mode-1 Internal Tides Derived from Satellite Altimetry: Computing Accurate Tidal Predictions at Arbitrary Points Over the World Oceans.
On Monday 10th of October, Brian Dushaw (NERSC) will give a talk entitled: An Empirical Model for Mode-1 Internal Tides Derived from Satellite Altimetry: Computing Accurate Tidal Predictions at Arbitrary Points Over the World Oceans.
Read moreBCCR/GFI Seminar: Freshwater processes and water mass transformation in the Arctic Ocean.
On Wednesday 12th of October, Per Pemberton (SMHI Gøteborg, Sweden), will give a talk entitled: Freshwater processes and water mass transformation in the Arctic Ocean.
Per is a guest of Erwin and Aleksi
BCCR/GFI Seminar: Arctic physical oceanography in Japan
Hiroyasu Hasumi (AORI, University of Tokyo) will give a talk entitled: Arctic physical oceanography in Japan. Hiroyasu is a guest of Tomas S.
Read moreInternational Quaternary Webinar: Towards a better understanding of rapid climate changes:A report from the ERC-ice2ice project
International Quaternary Webinar, Oct 19th, 9am in Amherst; 3pm in Bergen/Gothenberg. Trond Dokken, University of Bergen. Towards a better understanding of rapid climate changes: A report from the ERC-ice2ice project. Login information: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/642329617. Find related paper at:https://www.geo.umass.edu/climate/webinar_2016.html
BCCR/GFI Seminar: Polar Deep Waters
Celine Heuze (University of Gothenburg) will give a talk entitled Polar Deep Waters.
Read moreIQW: Steve Forman - Chasing light through time: Using Luminescence Dating to detangle paleoclimatic events
Who: Steve Forman, Baylor University, Waco Texas. What: Chasing light through time: Using Luminescence Dating to detangle paleoclimatic events. Login information:
Seminar talk by Dr. Reik Donner, PIK
Reik Donner from the Potsdam Institute of Climate Research will be giving a seminar talk about late Holocene climate variability, showing some new methods for the analysis of nonlinear time series.
Disputas: Aleksi Nummelin: " The Arctic Ocean in a Fresh and Warm Future"
MSc. Aleksi Nummelin disputerer for ph.d.-graden: Avhandlingens tittel: " The Arctic Ocean in a Fresh and Warm Future". Opponent: Forsker, ph.d., Juliette Mignot
LOCEAN, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Frankrike. Opponent: Forsker, ph.d., Steffen Malskær Olsen,Danish Meteorological Institute, Danmark. Øvrig medlem i komiteen:
Førsteamanuensis, Dr. Scient, Knut Barthel,Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen. Leder av disputasen: Professor Asgeir Sorteberg, Universitetet i Bergen. Adgang for interesserte tilhørere. Velkommen til lokalet i god tid før disputasen!
BCCR/GFI Seminar: Using autonomous 13C measurements in the North Atlantic to identify patterns and driving factors of the upper ocean carbon cycle.
Meike Becker (GFI) will give a talk entitled Using autonomous 13C measurements in the North Atlantic to identify patterns and driving factors of the upper ocean carbon cycle.
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