Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  August 2018  >

13.08.2018 08:00 - 17.08.2018 17:00

Bjerknessenteret at Arendalsuka

This year we are involved in organising, together with The Research Council of Norway and Innovation Norway, an agenda-setting meeting addressing the transition that climate change compels on our society and economy. We’re also organising meetings on the Arctic as well as inviting school kids in trips to the island Merdø and to Statsraad L. where they will learn about climate models. 

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16.08.2018 11:15 - 16.08.2018 12:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: How to publish in Nature

Graham Simpkins is an editor at Nature Climate Change. He cover the physical climate science manuscripts at Nature Climate Change, including atmospheric science, cryosphere, oceanography, and climate dynamics. His PhD, from UNSW, Australia, was on large-scale climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere, with a particular focus on tropical-extratropical interactions.

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20.08.2018 14:15 - 20.08.2018 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020

Seminar talk by Xiaoqiong Li: Effects of greenhouse gases and aerosols on the Asian summer monsoon

Name of speaker: Xiaoqiong Li. Affiliation: Columbia University

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27.08.2018 14:15 - 27.08.2018 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Holocene rise and fall of the North Water polynya: a climate-sensitive Arctic sea-ice ecosystem

Name of speaker: Sofia Ribeiro. Affiliation: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

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29.08.2018 11:15 - 29.08.2018 12:00
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC

Nansen guest lecture: Edward Hanna: Arctic Amplification and mid-latitude extreme weather


Prof. Edward Hanna from University of Lincoln will visit the Nansen Centre August 28-31, and we’d like to invite you to his two lectures at NERSC:


1. Arctic Amplification and mid-latitude extreme weather, Aug.29@11:15 (https://seminars.nersc.no/seminar/arctic-amplification-and-mid-latitude-extreme-weather)

2. Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance and climate interactions, Aug.30@12:30 (https://seminars.nersc.no/seminar/greenland-ice-sheet-mass-balance-and-climate-interactions)


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30.08.2018 12:30 - 30.08.2018 13:15
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC

Nansen guest lecture: Edward Hanna: Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance and climate interactions

Prof. Edward Hanna from University of Lincoln will visit the Nansen Centre August 28-31, and we’d like to invite you to his two lectures at NERSC:


1. Arctic Amplification and mid-latitude extreme weather, Aug.29@11:15 (https://seminars.nersc.no/seminar/arctic-amplification-and-mid-latitude-extreme-weather)

2. Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance and climate interactions, Aug.30@12:30 (https://seminars.nersc.no/seminar/greenland-ice-sheet-mass-balance-and-climate-interactions)

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31.08.2018 11:15 - 31.08.2018 12:00
BCCR lecture room 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Sebastian Brune: Prediction of decadal and seasonal climate with MPI-ESM

Name of speaker: Sebastian Brune. Affiliation: Institute of Oceanography, Universität Hamburg

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