Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  June 2021  >

02.06.2021 13:30 - 02.06.2021 15:00

Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy

What kind of research priorities should be taken into account in establishing a framework for international collaboration in the next decades?

Speakers: Andrei Polejack (Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations), Professor Mary S. Wisz (World Maritime University), Dr. Elaine McDonagh (NORCE and BCCR), Dr. Gerard McCarthy (ICARUS, Maynooth University), Dr. Jean-Baptiste Sallée (IPSL climate research center), John Bell (European Commission), Professor Sheila Heymans (University of the Highlands and Islands).

Panel: Professor Evelia Rivera-Arriaga (Universidad Autónoma de Campeche), Dr. Jörn Schmidt (ICES), Professor Isabelle Ansorge (University of Cape Town).

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03.06.2021 13:30 - 03.06.2021 15:00

The Future Atlantic Ocean: Forecasting ecosystem functioning from microbiomes to fisheries

A side event to the All-Atlantic Conference 2021.

In cooperation with fishing communities, scientists and modellers have started to create the first generation of fish forecasting products. Already, in some areas, variables such as sea-surface temperature can be predicted five or more years in advance. When coupled with ongoing work in fisheries research and ecosystem analysis, models are being developed that can predict fish stock distribution and abundance many months in advance. Given the potentially valuable, but also controversial, nature of this scientific work, this briefing seeks to promote a discussion on the  societal and policy implications of fish forecasting in the Atlantic Ocean.

Welcome by Professor Noel Keenlyside (UiB, BCCR), Opening Remarks by Sigi Gruber (European Commission). Speakers: Professor Astrid Jarre (University of Cape Town), Professor Hugo Sarmento (Universidade Federal de São Carlos), Dr. Juliette Mignot (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), Dr. Mark Payne (Technical University of Denmark). Followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Thulani Makhalanyane (University of Pretoria). 

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10.06.2021 10:15 - 10.06.2021 13:00

Disputas: Kristine Flacké Haualand

Kristine Flacké Haualand disputerer 10.6.2021 for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen med avhandlingen "Influence of Diabatic Effects and Tropopause Structure on Baroclinic Development".

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28.06.2021 10:15 - 28.06.2021 12:00

Disputas: Nadine Steiger: ‘’The ice front as a topographic barrier for ocean heat transport”.

MSc Nadine Steiger disputerer for ph.d.-graden 28. juni kl. 10.15 med avhandlingen:


‘’The ice front as a topographic barrier for ocean heat transport”.



  1. Seniorforsker Martin Losch, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Tyskland.
  2. Forsker, Mare-Noelle Houssais, Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Climat, Sorbonne Université (LOCEAN), Frankrike.


Leder av komiteen

Professor Fer Ilker, GFI - UiB.


Spørsmål kan bli stilt i F&Q.


Avhandlingen er lenket til her: http://vedlegg.uib.no/?id=ba1377d9fc4ec2dbdd0484d27472b523


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