Seminar talk: Earth's climate history in carbonates seen by Synchrotron Light
Name of speaker: Silvia Frisia. Affiliation: the University of Newcastle, Australia. Please find abstract via link.
Read moreStorm tracks workgroup meeting
4 March, 14:00 — Priscilla Mooney, (NORCE), MPAS/CESM modelling system
Climate concert in Grieghallen - Neste steg 3: Klima
Jostein Bakke, Lea Svendsen and Siri Haugum are just now making their last preparations for the main stage in Grieghallen.
On 3x3 minutes they will take us through the geological history of the Earth, the climate system as an orchestra, where we as humans are now and in the future. This will be in Norwegian, but English version of their talk/ the program for the evening will be available. All of this companied by the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra performing brand new composed works for orchestra by young Norwegian composers Marius Neset and Therese Ulvo, as well as iconic works for orchestra by the French composer Maurice Ravel.
1800 Doors opening, exhibition in Foyer
1845 Introduction in the Foyer
1930 Concert starts
(break) Exhibition in Foyer
2130 After concert by Borealis<>
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Seminar talk: Bushfire Weather in Southern Australia
Name of speaker: Michael Reeder. Affiliation: Monash University. Please find abstract via link.
Read moreSeminar: "On the Influence of the distribution of Sea Surface Temperatures on the Development of Extratropical Cyclones”.
Name of speaker: Hai Bui (University of Bergen) on "On the Influence of the distribution of Sea Surface Temperatures on the Development of Extratropical Cyclones”. Find abstract via link.
Read moreConstraints on global warming subgroup meeting
The Constraints on global warming subgroup will meet again Friday, 13 March, 12-13, in U1 (west wing).
Bring your lunch and join the discussion. Bring along anyone whom might be interested.
I will set the topic this time - focusing in on SST patterns and the variability that took place in the Northern Seas during the Pliocene.
See you,
Carbon System research theme meeting
Dear all
Please be invited to a Carbon System research theme meeting March 13, from 1300 - 1500, in the Helland Hansen meeting room, GFI.
We will primarily discuss plans for upcoming RCN calls.
It would be great if anybody could volunteer to give a brief scientific presentation. This can be work in progress, or reuse of a presentation delivered elsewhere (for example many are presenting at Ocean Sciences this week, and will have a presentation more or less ready).
It would also be great with brief presentations on any new projects, please let us know if you have something.
A final agenda will be sent around later,
Are and Jörg
Prøveforelesning Anne Moree
MSc Anne Lien Moree vil holde prøveforelesning for ph.d.-graden mandag 16. mars 2020 kl. 10.30 i Undervisningsrom 4020, BCCR. (Geofysisk institutt)
Oppgitt emne: : "Artificial enhancement of the marine organic carbon pump - a viable climate mitigation option or not?"
Leder: Professor Truls Johannessen, Geofysisk institutt
Medlem: Førsteamanuensis Kjersti Birkeland Daae, Geofysisk institutt
Medlem: Professor Noel Keenlyside, Geofysisk institutt
Adgang for interesserte tilhørere.
Seminar talk: Investigations of physical processes in the snowpack through modeling and field measurements
Name of speaker: C. Max Stevens. Affiliation: University of Washington. Abstract and bio; follow link.
Read moreJoint CET-BCCR talk: "How closely do the mitigation proposals of ‘climate progressive’ nations align with the Paris Agreement? … the case of Sweden and the UK".
At Wednesday 25 March 12:00-13:00 we will have a joint CET-BCCR talk. Prof. Kevin Anderson will give a talk
building on a paper currently in press titled: "How closely do the mitigation proposals of ‘climate progressive’ nations align with the Paris Agreement? … the case of Sweden and the UK".
Find detailed information here
The schedule is:
12:00-12:15: "Doors open / virtual mingling"
12:15-13:00: Presentation + Q/A (max 25 min presentation, 20 min Q/A)
13:00- : in case of more questions, officially closing
!!! This talk will NOT be given via Zoom, instead it will be running via
"Teams". Again follow for
information on how to join the talk!!!
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POSTPONED: Climate hazards theme meeting
Postponed due to the corona situation. New time will be scheduled.
Spør en klimaforsker: Tore Furevik
Møt vår direktør, professor Tore Furevik, direkte frå heimekontoret på Sotra for å svare på spørsmål om klimaendringar.