Marius Årthun

Tittel & Institusjon
Forskningsleder/ Research leader - Climate Hazards, UiB
Research interests:
I am mainly working on basin-scale ocean circulation and air-sea interaction in the Arctic-Atlantic region, and how variable ocean circulation on interannual to multidecadal time scales impacts climate variability. I am currently leading a project (ArMOC) where we want to understand how ocean circulation in the Arctic could change in a warming climate.
Overturning circulation in the new Arctic (ArMOC), Project leader, 2023-2027
Dynamics of the North Atlantic surface and overturning circulation (DYNASOR), WP-leader, 2022-2025
The Nansen Legacy, WP-leader, 2020-2024
Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit, WP-leader, 2018-2023
Pathways, processes and impacts of poleward ocean heat transport (PATHWAY), project leader (2017-2020)
Blue-Action, EU Horizon 2020, 2016-2021
In the news:
Is the AMOC going to collapse? New Podcast: Is the AMOC Going to Collapse?
Hva skjer med Golfstrømmen? Energi og klima podcast: Havforsker Marius Årthun forklarer: Hva skjer med Golfstrømmen? | Energi og Klima
Buoys on Expedition in the Arctic Ocean
Arven etter Nansen - Podcast: Arven etter Nansen, med Marius Årthun
What is happening to the Arctic sea ice in winter? What is happening to the Arctic sea ice in winter?