Convection Permitting Climate Modelling Workshop
More than a hundred scientist from all over the world gathered at Scandic Hotel in Bergen to take part in the seventh Convention Permitting Climate Modelling Workshop in the last week of August.
Publisert 04. september 2023
Skrevet av Thea Svensson

Foto: Thea Svensson, Bjerknessenteret for klimaforskning.
The convention covered a wide variety of topics, including data access, extremes and impacts, model development, adaptation planning and mitigating risks.
The keynote speakers were Ethan Gutmann (National Center for Atmospheric Research), Lena Tallaksen (University of Oslo), Hayley Fowler (Newcastle University), Erika Coppola (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics), Jason Evans (University of South Wales), Kristen Rasmussen (Colorado State University).
The science committee was Stefan Sobolowski (NORCE AS), Asgeir Sorteberg (University of Bergen), Stephanie Mayer (NORCE AS), Andreas Prein (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA), Roy Rassmussen (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA).
CPCM was sponsored by NORCE AS, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen, NCAR and GEWEX.