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Proxy assimilation for reconstructing climate and improving model (PARCIM)

The main objective of PARCIM is to create the first online millennium-long paleo-climate reanalysis, using modern data assimilation, model, and wealth of paleo-proxy archives.

Read more about this climate reconstruction here.







Project lead

François Counillon

Seashells to hold the reins of climate models

Since 1900 the North-Atlantic has oscillated between warm and cool periods of a few decades. The century long record is too short to show why. Climate models and old seashells will extend the series to the Viking age.

During the last 120 years the surface temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean has oscillated up and down for a few decades at a time. The sea was warmer in 1930–1965 and after 1995, cooler in 1900–1930 and 1965–1995. Corresponding shifts can be traced in the weather in countries surrounding the Atlantic.

That temperatures have gone up and down several times, suggests that natural mechanisms make the Atlantic oscillate. But, this is a rocking cradle of the slow type.

Read the full article here!

Researchers from Bjerknessenteret