About us
Understanding climate for the benefit of society
At the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research we use observations, models and theory to study past, present and future climates. We have leading expertise within climate understanding, climate modeling, predictions and scenarios for climate changes and quantification of climate changes. The Bjerknes Center is a collaboration between four partner institutions: NORCE, The Nansen Center, The University of Bergen and the Institute for Marine Research.

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Research Areas
The Bjerknes Center covers a wide range of climate related research. Our research groups include Hazards, Global Climate, Polar, Carbon and Modeling. Click the button below to learn more about our research areas.

Strategic Projects
The Bjerknes Center currently manages five strategic research projects: DYNASOR (Dynamics of the North Atlantic surface and overturning circulation), PARCIM (Proxy assimilation for reconstructing climate and improving model), O2Ocean (The Breathing Ocean), SeaPR (Sea level projection and reconstruction unit), and CLIFORD (Climate change and sustainability in Norwegian fjords).

Our strategy
We have a five year strategy plan from 2022 - 2026.
Out vision is to understand climate for the benefit of society.
University of Bergen (UiB)
With its 16,000 students and over 3,000 employees, the University of Bergen is a medium-sized European university. UiB is both a teaching institution and a research institution covering most fields of study, organized into seven faculties and around 90 departments and academic centers. UiB is also part of a global network of students, researchers and knowledge institutions, both a meeting place and a door to other academic environments locally, nationally and internationally. A focus on internationalization since the mid-1980s has given the University of Bergen a profile as an international university in Norway, in line with Bergen's traditions.
NORCE is one of Norway's largest independent research institutes, including subsidiaries, NORCE is a group with 1000 employees from all over the world. The group is present with its knowledge in several countries, and has an annual turnover of 1.3 billion kroner. The head office is located in Bergen - and the group has significant activities in Alta, Tromsø, Bardu, Bodø, Haugesund, Randaberg, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad and Oslo.
Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
The Institute of Marine Research conducts research within marine resources, the marine environment and aquaculture. The main goal is to provide expert advice to authorities, industry and society on issues related to these three areas. The activities are primarily focused on the ecosystems in the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Norwegian coastal zone. With approximately 600 employees, the Institute of Marine Research is the largest marine research community in Norway and is also an international leader in a number of its research areas. The institute has four large research vessels at its disposal.
Nansen Centre for Environmental and Remote Sensing (NERSC)
The Nansen Centre for Environmental and Remote Sensing is an independent research institution. NERSC conducts basic and applied environmental research funded by both national and international institutes, research councils and industry. NERSC's strategic research focus is to integrate remote sensing and field observations with numerical modelling using advanced data assimilation techniques.