Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

<  May 2021  >

26.05.2021 14:30 - 26.05.2021 16:00

How do we value the Arctic?

In this webinar, we promise novel insights and new perspectives on the ever-changing role of the Arctic. At the heart of this human-triggered and driven transformation is the question of how we value the Arctic, and why? 


  • Tor Eldevik, Bjerknes Centre of Climate Research and Geophysical Institute at UIB 

  • Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Inst. of Marine Research (IMR)

  • Andreas Østhagen, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) 

  • Elana Wilson Rowe, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) 

  • Moderator: Øyvind Paasche, Bjerknes Centre, University of Bergen, NORCE, and Climate Futures

Please join us on 26 May (14:30-16:00 CEST) for listening in and taking part in this webinar. 

Les mer
27.05.2021 10:15 - 27.05.2021 11:59

Disputas: Peter Yu Feng Siew

Peter Yu Feng Siew disputerer for ph.d.-graden den 27. mai kl. 10:15 med avhandlingen:

«Exploring Arctic-midlatitude teleconnections using observations and numerical models».



  1. Shuting Yang, Senior Researcher, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark
  2. James Screen, Associate Professor, University of Exeter, UK


Leder av komiteen

Professor Noel Keenlyside, Geofysisk institutt, UiB



Professor Helge Drange, Geofysisk institutt, UiB



  • Professor Camille Li, Geofysisk institutt, UiB
  • Professor Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, Geofysisk institutt, UiB
  • Research Professor (Forsker 1) Stefan Sobolowski, NORCE


Spørsmål kan bli stilt i Q&A.


Avhandlingen er lenket til her:


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