Sea level projection and reconstruction unit (SeaPR)

The project SeaPR is the new sea level prediction and reconstruction unit at Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.
We will provide and increase confidence in sea level predictions and projections for more informed decision making.
Project lead
Antonio Bonaduce
Funded by

Antonio Bonaduce, Roshin Raj og Kristin Richter leads the Bjerknes Centre`s initiative on sea level rise. Photo: Ellen Viste
New Report on sea level in Norway
In 2024, the report “Sea-Level Rise and Extremes in Norway” was published. It was created by the Nansen Center, the Bjerknes Center, NORCE, the Meteorological Institute, and the Norwegian Mapping Authority on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency. The report was released by the Norwegian Climate Service Center.
The report, based on data from the sixth assessment report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, shows how sea levels in Norway are expected to rise towards the years 2100, 2150, and 2300.
The purpose of the report is to provide decision-makers with a knowledge base to adapt coastal municipalities and cities to rising sea levels.
Read the report here.
Researchers from Bjerknessenteret
Antonio Bonaduce
Seniorforsker, forskningsleder / Senior Scientist, Research Leader - Climate Hazards, Nansensenteret
Kristin Richter
Forsker / Researcher - Climate Hazards, NORCE
Roshin P. Raj
Seniorforsker / Senior Scientist - Polar Climate, Nansensenteret
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