Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Gudrun Sylte

Kommunikasjonsleder ved Bjerknessenteret med ansvar for eksternt kommunikasjonsarbeid, vår nettside, mediekontakt, møter og samarbeid med andre aktører. 



Jahnebakken 5, 3,etg
5007 Bergen

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Phone: 40856457

To challenge scientific perspectives and to inspire researchers for new thoughts on climate phenomena is at the essence of the new exhibition that is taking place at the geophysical institute this October.

No typical days in the Northern Run! Erlend Moster Knudsen writes from his change from computer PhD work to his long run for Paris. 

The scientists in the research project SNACS - Subpolar North Atlantic Climate States, is up for a multidisiplinary cruise, aiming to understand and predict the subpolar North Atlantic.