Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Lea Svendsen

My research focuses on large-scale climate variability, mostly using and performing experiments with coupled climate models. Key research interests include:

  • Internal climate variability on interannual, decadal and multidecadal timescales
  • Climate predictions
  • Climate services
  • Tropical interannual variability such as ENSO and the Atlantic Niño
  • Pacific Decadal Variability and Atlantic multidecadal variability
  • Teleconnections and inter-basin interactions
  • Monsoons


Førsteamanuensis / Associate Professor - Global Climate

Geofysisk institutt, UiB / Geophysical Institute, UiB

Allegaten 70, 5007 Bergen

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E-mail: lea.svendsen@uib.no

Phone: + 47 938 81 398