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Increased CO2 uptake by the ocean

The ocean takes up more than three times as much CO2 from the atmosphere as in 1860. The main culprit is the higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Emissions have not stopped rising, new report states.

Publisert 13. November 2024

Written by Ellen Viste

CO<sub>2</sub> emitted by man is exchanged between the atmosphere, the oceans and the Earth's vegetation. This figure shows annual mean values for the period 2014–2023 i GtCO<sub>2</sub> . Ill.: Global Carbon Budget 2024 under the license CC 4.0

CO2 emitted by man is exchanged between the atmosphere, the oceans and the Earth's vegetation. This figure shows annual mean values for the period 2014–2023 i GtCO2. Ill.: Global Carbon Budget 2024 under the license CC 4.0

The ocean takes up three times as much CO2 as in 1960. The main reason is more CO2 in the air. According to a new report, emissions have not stopped rising.

Together with vegetation on land, the ocean still takes up about half of all CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. While this uptake reduces the temperature rise on Earth, it may affect life in the ocean.

"The most dire consequence is that the ocean gets more acidic," says Are Olsen, professor at the Geophysical Institute at the University of Bergen and leader of the carbon system research at the Bjerknes Centre.

Are Olsen investigates the ocean's uptake of CO2. Photo: Ellen Viste

Olsen is one of the researchers behind the global carbon budget, presented at the COP meeting in Azerbaijan today. Ocean acidification is know for harming corals and similarly makes it more difficult for many plankton species to build their calcium carbonate shells.

"This may contribute to reducing ocean biodiversity, and in the worst case productivity," says Are Olsen. "Plankton is the basis for marine ecosystems."

According to the new report, the top of the emission curve has not yet been reached. By the end of 2024, CO2 emissions are expected to be 0.8 percent above those of 2023. While emissions in the US and the EU are expected to go down, those of China are assumed stable, while emissions in India increase.

Oceans and forests contribute to annual variations

During the last decade, emissions of CO2 have generally increased, while emissions due to changes in land use have decreased. As a total this has led to stable emissions for the period. In 2024 both types of emissions are expected to increase.

Kurver over karbonutslipp

Annual emissions from fossile fuels and land use changes in 1960–2024. Ill: Global Carbon Budget 2024, under the license CC 4.0.

"Last year's oceanic uptake was higher due to El Niño," says Are Olsen.

The longtime increase in the atmospheric CO2 content is caused by anthropogenic emissions, but from one year to the next, natural variations contribute. On top of variations in the global economy and use of energy, changes in emissions are tied to weather and conditions in the oceans.

Most important for variations in atmospheric CO2 content from year to year is the fluctuation between El Niños and La Niñas in the tropical Pacific. After a La niña in 2021–2022 El Niño conditions prevailed in 2023–2024. This has influenced the uptake of CO2 both at sea and on land.

That the ocean takes up CO2 does not mean that such uptake occurs in all ocean regions. While the Nordic Seas and the Southern Ocean are important uptake regions, CO2 is released from the ocean to the atmosphere in other regions, like off the west coast of South America, where El Niños occur.

During an El Niño, the outgassing of CO2 in this region is reduced. This increases the net uptake of the global ocean.

El Niños are also associated with less rain in large parts of the world. Forest fires in Canada and an intense drought in Brazil in 2023 and 2024 exacerbated CO2 emissions from ruined forests.

The reduction in the forests' uptake of CO2 was greater than the increased uptake by the ocean. This led to a significant increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration in 2023.

Kurver over kilder til utslipp og opptak

Sources of CO2 emissions and uptake siden 1850. Ill.: Friedlingstein et al., 2024, under a CC 4.0 license

Need to cut emissions

The CO2 content in the atmosphere is now fifty percent higher than before the industrial revolution. If emissions continue at the present level, the amount of CO2 we can emit within the 1.5 degree target will be used up in six years.

"Most dream of a magic technology that will allow us to suck up CO2 from the air. But I do not think this will be achievable on the scale needed before it is too late," says Are Olsen.

The carbon capture and storage technology is still at the exploration stage. As of today carbon corresponding to one millionth of the fossile fuel emissions can be captured.

From year to year emissions now increase less after growing steeply in 2000–2010. The average growth was then 2–3 percent per year, mainly due to a growing economy in China. Now Chinese emissions have leveled off, while emissions in India increase. 

"As a global society we must help people skip the petroleum age," says Are Olsen. "We must use resources and technology to build an alternative energy supply rather than get rich by letting them buy oil and gas."

He expresses optimisms over the growth in alternative forms of energy, with investments in solar and wind power and electric cars.

"I think we can do it," he says. "The question is whether we will manage to turn the curve fast enough."


Friedlingstein, P., O'Sullivan, M., Jones, M. W., Andrew, R. M., Hauck, J., Landschützer, P., Le Quéré, C., Li, H., Luijkx, I. T., Olsen, A., Peters, G. P., Peters, W., Pongratz, J., Schwingshackl, C., Sitch, S., Canadell, J. G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R. B., Alin, S. R., Arneth, A., Arora, V., Bates, N. R., Becker, M., Bellouin, N., Berghoff, C. F., Bittig, H. C., Bopp, L., Cadule, P., Campbell, K., Chamberlain, M. A., Chandra, N., Chevallier, F., Chini, L. P., Colligan, T., Decayeux, J., Djeutchouang, L., Dou, X., Duran Rojas, C., Enyo, K., Evans, W., Fay, A., Feely, R. A., Ford, D. J., Foster, A., Gasser, T., Gehlen, M., Gkritzalis, T., Grassi, G., Gregor, L., Gruber, N., Gürses, Ö., Harris, I., Hefner, M., Heinke, J., Hurtt, G. C., Iida, Y., Ilyina, T., Jacobson, A. R., Jain, A., Jarníková, T., Jersild, A., Jiang, F., Jin, Z., Kato, E., Keeling, R. F., Klein Goldewijk, K., Knauer, J., Korsbakken, J. I., Lauvset, S. K., Lefèvre, N., Liu, Z., Liu, J., Ma, L., Maksyutov, S., Marland, G., Mayot, N., McGuire, P., Metzl, N., Monacci, N. M., Morgan, E. J., Nakaoka, S.-I., Neill, C., Niwa, Y., Nützel, T., Olivier, L., Ono, T., Palmer, P. I., Pierrot, D., Qin, Z., Resplandy, L., Roobaert, A., Rosan, T. M., Rödenbeck, C., Schwinger, J., Smallman, T. L., Smith, S., Sospedra-Alfonso, R., Steinhoff, T., Sun, Q., Sutton, A. J., Séférian, R., Takao, S., Tatebe, H., Tian, H., Tilbrook, B., Torres, O., Tourigny, E., Tsujino, H., Tubiello, F., van der Werf, G., Wanninkhof, R., Wang, X., Yang, D., Yang, X., Yu, Z., Yuan, W., Yue, X., Zaehle, S., Zeng, N., and Zeng, J.: Global Carbon Budget 2024, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2024-519, in review, 2024.

More graphs from the Global Carbon Budget are available here.