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Five new Chinese-Norwegian collaboration projects to the Bjerknes Centre

The Research Council of Norway funds eight new project on Chinese-Norwegian climate research in the Arctic. Five of these, awarded a total of NOK 50 million, are led by researchers affiliated by the Bjerknes Centre.

Publisert 21. December 2021

Written by Ellen Viste, Gudrun Sylte

Chuncheng Guo, Thomas Spengler, Shengping He, Noel Keenlyside and Yiguo Wang will lead the new projects.

Chuncheng Guo, Thomas Spengler, Shengping He, Noel Keenlyside and Yiguo Wang will lead the new projects.

Several researchers at the Bjerknes Centre received an early Christmas gift this year. A call from the Research Council of Norway asked for Norwegian-Chinese collaboration projects within climate system research. The results were recently announced. 

Five of the eight approved projects are led by researchers at the Bjerknes Centre and our partner institutions the University of Bergen, NORCE and Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center. 

"The new projects go straight into our core activities", says Kikki Kleiven, director of the Bjerknes Centre.

"The distribution shows the breadth, strength and international focus of the Bjerknes Centre's Arctic research. Several contribute to strengthening our already good collaboration with the Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre in Beijing."

The new projects will improve knowledge of how the Arctic climate interacts with the global climate system. Both climate models and new methods will be developed, aiming to enhance climate predictions. 

The five projects

  • Mechanism and prediction on new Arctic climate system, led by Shengping He (GFI/UiB).
  • Atmosphere-ocean interactions over key regions of the Arctic and their linkages to midlatitudes, led by Thomas Spengler (GFI, UiB).
  • Studies of key polar ocean and climate processes with high resolution coupled climate models, led by Chuncheng Guo (NORCE).
  • Accelerated Arctic and Tibetan Plateau warming: processes and combined impact on Eurasian climate, led by Noel Keenlyside and Fei Li (GFI, UiB).
  • Towards skillful subseasonal-to-seasonal sea ice prediction, led by Yiguo Wang (Nansensenteret).

The complete list of approved applications can be found here.