Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  May 2018  >

04.05.2018 09:00 - 04.05.2018 13:00
BCCR Seminar room 4020

Mini-workshop on "Ice sheets in the climate system"

As part of the Hazards Theme group at the Bjerknes Centre we started a working group on ice sheets and sea level, with the strategic project RISES as a hub. Our next activity is a mini-workshop focussing on the interactions between climate and ice sheets. The workshop will take place on Friday the 4th of May at 9-13h in the BCCR seminar room, and we are very happy to announce a great list of speakers (Sarah Berben, Willem van der Bilt, Jan Even Nilsen, Elin Darelius, Andreas Born, Anne-Katrine Faber, and Stefan Sobolowski).

A light lunch will be served, so we ask you to register your participation here (before 1 May): https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=4877901

Looking forward to seeing you there!

On behalf of the RISES organizing committee,

Petra Langebroek

PS: Of course this workshop is open to everyone in Bjerknes!


04.05.2018 13:15 - 04.05.2018 15:00
Bjerknes Lecture room, 4020

POLAR meeting

POLAR meeting will be held 1315–1500, at the Bjerknes Lecture Room, Friday May 4th

07.05.2018 13:00 - 07.05.2018 15:00
BCCR Møterom Bjerknes

Leader group meeting

Bjerknes leader group meeting

07.05.2018 14:15 - 07.05.2018 15:00
BCCR Undervisningsrom 4020

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Ocean Carbon Cycle Feedbacks under Negative Emissions

Name of speaker: Jörg Schwinger, Affiliation: Uni Research Climate



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08.05.2018 10:15 - 08.05.2018 11:00
BCCR Undervisningsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Seminar: Borealization of the Arctic Ocean

Igor Polyakov from University of Alaska Fairbanks will give a seminar talk.

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09.05.2018 12:45 - 09.05.2018 13:15
Møterom Inger Bruun at GFI

Newbie Group:Erica Madonna: "Extra-tropical cyclones: The warm conveyor belt"

9 May we will have the newbie group meeting at 12:45 in meeting room Inger Bruun (Turn right when you are facing the entrance of the canteen).
We will finish by 13.15 so that some can go to the doctoral defense at 13.15.

Erica will present 'Extra-tropical cyclones: The warm conveyor belt ' (5 to 10 minutes). Coffee is not provided anymore and please bring your own drink.
The newbie group is for people interested in subjects outside of their area of expertise. Presentations and discussions are meant to be understood by everyone, and questions from the audience are the priority.


09.05.2018 13:15 - 09.05.2018 15:30
Undervisningsrom 4020, Vestfløyen, BCCR. (Geofysisk institutt)

Disputas - Sigrid Lind

MSc Sigrid Gjessing Lind disputerer for ph.d.-graden den 9. mai 2018, kl. 13.15, Undervisningsrom 4020, Vestfløyen, BCCR. (Geofysisk institutt).

Avhandlingens tittel: ”The northern Barents Sea during 1970-2016: From seabed to surface in the Arctic warming hotspot”


Opponenter: Professor, dr. scient., Igor Polyakov,

International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA

Forsker, ph.d., Laura de Steur, Norsk polarinstitutt, Norge

Øvrig medlem i komiteen:

Professor, dr. scient., Lars Henrik Smedsrud, Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen

Leder av disputasen: Professor Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, Universitetet i Bergen


Adgang for interesserte tilhørere. Velkommen til lokalet i god tid før disputasen!


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14.05.2018 14:15 - 14.05.2018 15:00
BCCR Undervisningrom 4020

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Implications of ENSO for Asia-Pacific Climate

Seminar talk by Dr. Zhou Wen,School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong.

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16.05.2018 12:15 - 16.05.2018 13:00
Room 431, 4th floor, Social Sciences building, UiB

CET seminar: Climate research should be interdisciplinary

Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation CET is happy to announce the upcoming seminar with Erik Kolstad from Uni Research/UiB on April 18th. Kolstad will give a talk on: “Climate research should be interdisciplinary”.



16.05.2018 13:00 - 16.05.2018 13:45
Geophysical institute

Newbie Group: Shengping He: "Recent debate on Arctic"

Shengping He will present "Recent debate on Arctic". The newbie Group is for people interested in subjects outside of their area of expertise. Presentations and discussions are meant to be understood by everyone and questions from the audience are the priority.

22.05.2018 11:00 - 22.05.2018 12:00
Auditorium, 4th floor, Jahnebakken 5 (west wing, GFI)

Open CHEX project meeting

The Climate Hazards and Extremes (CHEX) Bjerknes SKD project will host an open meeting next week. The purpose is to inform about what we're doing, and to encourage participation from other Bjerknes scientists. There are lots of cool things we can do together within the scope of the project. Here's our main objective:


To provide policy-relevant information through improved projections of climate hazards and extremes, by integrating long-term time series from proxy records with numerical model output and Earth observation data


The project runs to the end of 2021, and we are currently hiring a PhD candidate. Here's the project description:




Date: 22 May

Time: 11.00–12.00

Location: Auditorium, 4th floor, Jahnebakken 5 (west wing, GFI)


We will present some initial results and our plans for the next 3.5 years. We hope to see many of you next Tuesday!




Erik Kolstad

23.05.2018 10:00 - 23.05.2018 17:00
Geophysical institute, UiB

CMIP Workshop

CMIP6 results will soon be available - are you prepared?

Experienced users and beginners are welcome to join our workshop to learn about:


- available tools (ESMvalTools and tools developed at BCCR)

- how to access and use CMIP data from BCCR

- how other people at BCCR are using CMIP-data in their research

Please sign up as soon as possible (and no later than 16/5).


Best regards,


The CMIP6 task force (Richard, Helene, Anne-Britt, Johan, Camille and Elin)

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23.05.2018 13:00 - 23.05.2018 13:45
Geophysical institute

Newbie Group: Igor Esau: "What we have learned about turbulence"

Igor Esau will talk about "What we have learned abour turbulence. The Newbie Group is for people interested in subjects outside their area of expertise. Presentations and discussions are meant to be understood by everyone, and questions from the audience are the priority.

28.05.2018 14:15 - 28.05.2018 15:00
BCCR lecture room 4020

BCCR/GFI seminar: "Freak Waves and shallow water effects"

Monday's BCCR seminar at 14:15 in the west wing auditorium will feature Peter Janssen from ECMWF who will give the talk titled: "Freak Waves and shallow water effects"

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29.05.2018 10:00 - 29.05.2018 11:30
BCCR Undervisningsrom 4020, West wing GFI

Atlantic Multidecadal Variability Working Group

I am happy to invite you all to our next meeting in the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability working group under the Global Theme group at BCCR.


This time we are so fortunate to have Svein Sundby come visit us from the Institute of Marine Research and talk about "Impacts of multidecadal variability on marine ecosystems in the North Atlantic". A brief abstract is given below:

Centennial-long time series on abundance of fish species in the northeast Atlantic show influence of climate variability from interannual to multidecadal time scales. Particularly, the multidecadal climate variability has comprehensive impact on the development of the species, because it also strongly influences the changes in distributions. Among the various climate variables, temperature has the most direct impact on marine species by altering metabolic rates and thermal habitat ranges. However, temperature also impacts marine species indirectly through other climate variables. This is making it challenging to reveal the mechanistic links between temperature and ecosystem variables. Particularly, other climate variables than temperature become increasingly important for productivity at lower trophic levels in marine ecosystems, and these variables are partly interlinked with the temperature. Light conditions and flux of nutrients are the dominating climate variables influencing primary production and the herbivorous organisms. In this context, cloud conditions, wind mixing and thermal stratification are the dominating climate variables.


Welcome :)


Best wishes,

Odd Helge


30.05.2018 09:15 - 30.05.2018 15:00
PhD lunch room@GEO (Realfagbygget, Allégaten 41)

Mini-workshop on "paleo-CO2 variability"

In the new Working Group on paleo-CO2 within the Carbon Theme group we hope to create a forum that can provide a broad base for crosscutting collaboration on this topic within the BCCR. One of the aims of this group is better understand the response of the Arctic carbon cycle to the presence/absence of sea-ice- a topic most relevant for future scenarios in the high northern latitudes. In order to kick-start this initiative we hereby invite all interested scientists/students from all Theme Groups to a mini-workshop on paleo-CO2 variability.

The workshop will take place on Wednesday the 30th of May from 9-15h in the PhD lunch room@GEO (Realfagbygget, Allégaten 41), and we are very happy to announce a great list of speakers and topics.

We ask you to register your participation here (before 15 May): https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=4939262

There will be coffee and lunch and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

On behalf of the organizing committee,



31.05.2018 13:00 - 31.05.2018 14:00
GFI East wing, R209, Godske meeting room

BCCR Water cycle and water isotopes group meeting

Hei, next BCCR Water cycle and water isotopes group meeting scheduled for 31 May.

We'll discuss a classic paper, Held and Soden, 2006: Robust Responses of the Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming, and decide on future discussion papers.

