Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  November 2017  >

01.11.2017 09:00 - 03.11.2017 17:00
NERSC, Thormøhlensgate 47, Bergen

8th International workshop on sea ice modelling, data assimilation and verification

A joint workshop between the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG), the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) Polar Prediction Project (PPP), WWRP Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research (JWGFVR) and GODAE Oceanview (GOV)

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01.11.2017 10:15 - 08.12.2017 13:21
BCCR undervisningrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Rapid changes in Pacific Ocean carbon storage during the last glacial termination

Name of speaker: Katherine Allen, Affiliation: University of Maine. For bio and abstract, follow link.

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01.11.2017 15:00 - 08.12.2017 13:33
Palstrat. salen, 2. floor Department of Earth Science, Allègaten 41

International Quaternary Webinar: Greg de Wet, University of Colorado

Speaker: Greg de Wet, University of Colorado. Remote access (if you can’t join the seminar you can follow on phone, tablet of lap top). Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android.

Login information: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/381233882

06.11.2017 10:15 - 08.12.2017 13:04
BCCR Undervisningsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5

BCCR/GFI Seminar: The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector

Speaker: Erica Madonna, GFI. For abstract, see link.

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08.11.2017 11:15 - 08.12.2017 13:31
Palstrat. salen, 2. floor Department of Earth Science, Allègaten 41

International Quaternary Webinar: Lonnie Thompson, The Ohio State University

Speaker: Lonnie Thompson, The Ohio State University. Remote access (if you can’t join the seminar you can follow on phone, tablet or lap top)

14.11.2017 10:15 - 08.12.2017 13:02

BCCR/GFI Seminar: What determines the depth of the global troposphere?

Name: David Thompson, Affiliation: Colorado State University

14.11.2017 13:15 - 08.12.2017 12:59
Undervisnignsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5

Disputas: ”The inorganic carbon cycle of the Red Sea”

MSc. Elsheikh Bashir Ali disputerer for ph.d.-graden tirsdag 14. november 2017 kl. 13.15 i Undervisningsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5. (Vestfløyen). Avhandlingens tittel:”The inorganic carbon cycle of the Red Sea”

14.11.2017 15:00 - 08.12.2017 13:29
Palstrat. salen, 2. floor Department of Earth Science, Allègaten 41

International Quaternary Webinar: Anne-Katrine Faber, University of Bergen

Speaker: Anne-Katrine Faber, University of Bergen. Remote access (if you can’t join the seminar you can follow on phone, tablet or lap top)

20.11.2017 08:00 - 08.12.2017 13:12
Geophysical institute, UiB

Proposal writing course

This course is arranged by the CHESS research school but open to all PhD, Post Doc and Early Career Scientists at GFI and Bjerknes Centre. It runs annually in November. The course is now open for registration. For more information and registration, follow the link to the CHESS site.

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20.11.2017 10:15 - 08.12.2017 12:56
BCCR Undevisningsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Beyond cold and warm: An objective classification for maritime mid-latitude fronts

Name of speaker:Clemens Spensberger, Affiliation: Geophysical Institute and Bjerknes Centre. Follow link for abstract. 

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27.11.2017 10:15 - 27.11.2017 12:00
BCCR Undervisningsrom 4020, Jahnebakken 5 (West wing)

BCCR/GFI Monday seminar: Deep-water circulation leads Greenland climate during the last deglaciation

Francesco Muschitiello from Uni Research will give a seminar talk. Find abstract via link.

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29.11.2017 13:15 - 08.12.2017 12:47
Auditorium 105, Jahnebakken 3.

Disputas: Erwin Lambert

MSc. Erwin Lambert disputerer for ph.d.-graden onsdag 29. november 2017, kl. 13.15 i Auditorium 105, Jahnebakken 3. Avhandlingens tittel: ”On freshwater and the density-driven circulation in the northern seas”

29.11.2017 15:00 - 08.12.2017 13:27
Palstrat. salen, 2. floor Department of Earth Science, Allègaten 41

International Quaternary Webinar: Øyvind Paasche, University of Bergen

Speaker:  Øyvind Paasche, University of Bergen. Remote access (if you can’t join the seminar you can follow on phone, tablet or lap top.

30.11.2017 10:15 - 08.12.2017 13:09

BCCR/GFI Seminar: The Cenozoic greenhouse-icehouse transition: Tipping points and pathways of heat in the climate system

Name of speaker: Dr. Anna von der Heydt, Affiliation: Utrecht University

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