How do we value the Arctic?
In this webinar, we promise novel insights and new perspectives on the ever-changing role of the Arctic. At the heart of this human-triggered and driven transformation is the question of how we value the Arctic, and why?
Tor Eldevik, Bjerknes Centre of Climate Research and Geophysical Institute at UIB
Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Inst. of Marine Research (IMR)
Andreas Østhagen, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI)
Elana Wilson Rowe, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Moderator: Øyvind Paasche, Bjerknes Centre, University of Bergen, NORCE, and Climate Futures
Please join us on 26 May (14:30-16:00 CEST) for listening in and taking part in this webinar.
Read moreDisputas: Peter Yu Feng Siew
Peter Yu Feng Siew disputerer for ph.d.-graden den 27. mai kl. 10:15 med avhandlingen:
«Exploring Arctic-midlatitude teleconnections using observations and numerical models».
- Shuting Yang, Senior Researcher, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark
- James Screen, Associate Professor, University of Exeter, UK
Leder av komiteen
Professor Noel Keenlyside, Geofysisk institutt, UiB
Professor Helge Drange, Geofysisk institutt, UiB
- Professor Camille Li, Geofysisk institutt, UiB
- Professor Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, Geofysisk institutt, UiB
- Research Professor (Forsker 1) Stefan Sobolowski, NORCE
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