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View over Stalheim Hotel and the surrounding area. All rights belong to Stalheim Hotel.

Fjords in a changing climate

Welcome to an interdisciplinary workshop on the physical oceanography, biogeochemistry and biology of sill fjords in the past, present and future.


We invite researchers working in sill fjords for an interdisciplinary workshop 2-5 June 2025 in beautiful Stalheim, Norway.

During three days of presentations, poster session and with ample of time for informal discussions we hope to bring together physical, biogeochemical, biological and paleo oceanographers to get to know each other and to discuss all aspects of fjord science.

This includes (but is not limited to) fjord circulation and mixing, deoxygenation and oxygenation history, fjord ecosystems and their response to a changing environment, physical-biological interactions in fjords, fjords with marine terminating glaciers, paleo reconstructions of fjord environment and ecosystems, future predictions.

Sign up here to be informed by e-mail when more information is available!

Click here for more information on Stalheim Hotel.

Elin Darelius, Bjørg Risebrobakken, Mari Myksvoll, Anne-Gro V. Salvanes, Natalya Galo & Joao Bettencourt.